Hi All - Laying down preliminary layout and testing track and am having issues, looking for some guidance. At this point I have two wires from a 180W Lionel brick to the track and Legacy #990 system connected to track as well. Running Lionel TMCC 0-8-0 un-tethered loco with two pickup rollers on tender and two on loco.
Here are some questions:
1. When permanently placing down layout assuming I should run feeders before and after each switch?
2. O-54 regular turnouts seem to working fine, loco moves through them smoothly
3. O-54/72 Curved turnouts are crackling before engine arrives, then crackling, banging and the engine stops on it and then jerks forward or stalls all together at slow speeds.
4. Parts of the 054/72 look to have plastic rails, they are a different color, shiny in appearance so not sure what that is all about if someone with knowledge could explain this?
5. Have members had issues with these curved turnouts in the past with reliability or is it just me ?
Turn up the video and you can hear the crackling, thanks everyone