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I am just absolutely flabbergasted! I just had to share this. Today my model railroad train signals arrived. These come in multiple sizes for multiple gauges. These particular ones are for O scale. Each signal has four wires.

The black is the common and the red yellow and green are for each individual light. This light is known as part number JTD433GYR. It may be found on eBay. I was really hesitant to buy the signals figuring they were just cheap garbage.

These two signals sell for $16.99. For that price you get for signals! That is about $4.25 for one train signal less shipping. Unbelievable!

I will be doing a review when I actually get these wired up. Yes, you do have to purchase some kind of an activator or electrical switch to get them to function. I want mine to function only manually. I want to be able to control them myself from one centralized location and act as a dispatcher. I purchased 3 position mini toggle switches to do this. More on this later.

These signals and the mini toggle switch to control each one cost me approximately between 8 and $9. That is one heck of a lot cheaper than anything else out there by a long shot. Now to see how they actually work.

In fact, when I do the review and show how these work I will post a video.20180730_180111


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  • 20180730_180111
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These two signals sell for $16.99. For that price you get for signals! That is about $4.25 for one train signal less shipping. Unbelievable!

I'm confused- isn't the listing for two signals? 

Package included:
  • 2 complete lamps.,including 2 Resistors for 9~18V operation.

Where did the four signal portion come into play?

rogerpete posted:

These two signals sell for $16.99. For that price you get for signals! That is about $4.25 for one train signal less shipping. Unbelievable!

I'm confused- isn't the listing for two signals? 

Package included:
  • 2 complete lamps.,including 2 Resistors for 9~18V operation.

Where did the four signal portion come into play?

Yes it is for two signals, and they work great, just like the wehonest ones do. Have decided against the cost of working signals so for us these are fantastic.

Last edited by BobbyD

These two signals sell for $16.99. For that price you get for signals! That is about $4.25 for one train signal less shipping. Unbelievable!

I'm confused- isn't the listing for two signals? 

Yes it is for two signals, and they work great, just like the wehonest ones do. Have decided against the cost of working signals so for us these are fantastic.


Honestly I am trying to figure the math. IF it is 2 signals  then 16.99/2 = $8.495 not $4.25. SOOOOOO is it 2 or 4 signals?

BobbyD posted:
CurtisH posted:

Honestly I am trying to figure the math. IF it is 2 signals  then 16.99/2 = $8.495 not $4.25. SOOOOOO is it 2 or 4 signals?

Not sure what the issue is. "2pcs Model Railroad Train Signals 3-Lights Block Signal O Scale 12V" means two signals.

I'm going to talk slow so you understand.   Perhaps if you read what we're talking about you'll be able to understand!  Perhaps you're using the New Math and don't understand how to divide $16.99 by 2, I'm not sure.

John C. posted:
These two signals sell for $16.99. For that price you get for signals! That is about $4.25 for one train signal less shipping. Unbelievable!

Are we on the same page now, or are you still confused?

Yeah you guys got me with the math. I want to make a lame excuse as I was verbally saying that post into a microphone I was distracted. You are correct there were four signals and all the just came in about a little over $4 a piece. I was lucky to find a toggle switch that has three on positions which also costly slightly over $4. Each one of these signals for it to be operational would cost between eight and nine dollars. That's out of this world! I actually was in contact with a gentleman who has 100 of these on his layout and he loves them. This coming Thursday night I am actually going to hook them up and test them with the toggle switch that I bought. I am going to shoot a short video.

I bought some of these last year. They do seem to be O scale. But, at least for my layout, they are not the right height. So when I stand them next to a comparable NJ Int'l signal or Z-stuff signal, they come up about an inch short. What they need is a small, rectangular "control box" underneath the base plate to bring them up to the right height. A piece of wood or styrene cut to the right height and painted white, black or silver, would do the job. But that is as far as I got with these. My layout is , sadly, a long way from needing signals! 


Don Merz 070317 posted:

"I bought some of these last year. They do seem to be O scale. But, at least for my layout, they are not the right height. So when I stand them next to a comparable NJ Int'l signal or Z-stuff signal, they come up about an inch short."

Many of those signals are just too tall. Have been to some layouts with Z-Stuff signals and they said when the "O" versions arrived they towered over the equipment, more like "G" signals, and sent them back to their dealer for the "S" models as they were closer to correct size.

Signal JN05


Signal IMG_4168


Images (2)
  • Signal JN05
  • Signal IMG_4168
Rixster posted:

John....what toggle switch are you using that allows you to select 3 lighting options?


Rick I am actually using three separate push buttons on my control panel. Each of the separate push buttons has an LED light inside of it. That way the person operating the board can easily know whether the light is on or off and what color it is. In addition, I have decided to go absolutely nuts and also put a rotary switch near each semaphore around the layout. That way I can operate it from a centralized location or actually at the location. I haven't started the project yet. It is going to take a long while to run all of those wires and switches. I am also going to include a circuit with the yellow light so that will give them the ability to flash.

I must have got this post confused with another one. When I ordered those signals I got four of them for $16.99. I lucked out I think. Several people wrote me and they said that is for two signals. I went back and looked at the ad on eBay. It is supposed to be for two signals and not for. Apparently, I got two free signals.

gunrunnerjohn posted:

As I stated earlier, you can have them for less than $4 if you like.

1 x O Scale Model Train block signals 3 aspects Railway LED Light Silver #48S3RS

You get four signals for $14.36, and they have a nice screw base for easy mounting.


Was that on another post, John? I didn't see that one - that's a great price! And you gotta love the name, We Honest - how could you not trust a vendor with that name??? 

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