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I posted this on the 3rail forum and got no response, maybe somebody can help me here as it is electrical related:




I remember reading an article a few years ago I think in in OGR about how you could take an ordinary 10" MTH Realtrax section and convert it to an operating track using an old Lionel operating track, cutting out the magnet and adding it and a few rails to the Realtrax. If I'm not mistaken, it may have been a Jim Barrett Backshop project. Anyway, if someone could direct me to that article or backshop project I would appreciate it,


thanks, Mike

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Tiffaney, I realize that MTH has a remote control track but @ $30 each, they don't come cheap. I already have a bunch of Lionel operating tracks and 10" Realtrax sections so there would be no cost to me. I need 5 of them so it would be $150 for 5. There was a very good article on how to use the postwar UCS track to make a Realtrax one. Thanks for the suggestion.


ADCX Rob. I need the magnet as well, trying to find the article, thanks.



Mike, my understanding is the archive of posts only goes back so far due to changes in web hosts. I did some searches trying to find the article and did not have any luck. I have two or three RealTrax operating tacks that I don't use anymore since I changed to command control. Your welcome to them if you just pay the shipping. Let me know. 

Before I bought the MTH operating sections, I used my old O track sections by using the Realtrax to O adapters. I still use one of the those sections now, for the cattle car loader for the Christmas garden. I probably should get rid of the two tube sections and just use the MTH, but I did want to take the time to wire it up this year.....and the tube gives me that little "nostalgic" touch I like when looking at the cattle loader.


Now if only I could get the cows to cooperate. So many want to commit suicide getting into the car, no matter how I vary the voltage! I guess that is why the original instructions tell you that they are like real cattle, and you may have to use your finger to coax them into the car!! But kids like it anyway.



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