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Hello everyone, I’m looking for recommendations for a high quality soldering iron station. I’ve been looking around and am not immediately seeing brand names I recognize and thus don’t know the quality of the irons. Online reviews are very hit or miss. I am looking for something that will stay on my workbench (don’t need portability), and would like to have a station with accessories like clips to hold smaller items.

I have seen some irons for over $1k and don’t want to spend that much as this will mostly be for track work. I’d like to spend less than $200 if possible.

Thanks for your help!

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Hakko fx888... I dumped all my old school irons after I had the Hakko for about a month.  Not expensive,  Iron heats up fast,  excellent control.  The biggest thing for me was a good articulated, lighted magnifier so I could see what I was working on.

Just found this on the 888 tips... they have others for other models...



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  • 888
Last edited by Dennis-LaRock

I recently picked up another Hakko iron to work under the layout.  My FX-888D is on the bench, and it stays there, so I am using the

Hakko FX601-02 Adjustable Temperature Controlled Soldering Iron, 67 Watts for when I go on the road.  The one change I made was to buy the HAKKO Cap nut, Protective pipe set B3730 Soldering iron tip so I could use the more commonly available T18 tips for the iron.  The new iron proved itself in wiring all my switches, so it's a keeper.   It also has a calibration feature, something that I insist on for any iron I buy going forward except for stuff like the Weller 100/140W gun I use for track work.


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  • mceclip0

Hi, I've worked in the electronic repair business for over 30 years.  We've always used the Weller WTCP solder stations with great success, but it's now obsolete and repair parts are hard to find.  Looking for a replacement, we bought two Hakko FX-888D (around $110.00) stations and two Weller WE1010NA (around $130.00) to try out.  While they're both really nice solder stations, we've decided to go with Weller since the Hakko didn't deliver enough heat when de-soldering component (mostly electrolytic capacitor) ground wires on double sided boards with lots board area to dissipate heat.  The Hakko is spec'd out to have 5 more watts at the tip, but in practice, the Weller seems to have more power at the same temperature setting.
If you wanted to spend more, the Hakko FX-951-66 at around $270.00 is a truly amazing solder station!
Hope this helps.


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