Originally Posted by pennsydave:
Stan, the tender harness has marker lights but not the engine harness. If you could get the wires up to the engine maybe that would work. But I don't believe you can do it within the bounds of the 10 pin engine connector. The other question is basically my first question. Could I run 4 marker lights off that tender connection designed to run just two?
I think I will leave the headlight alone and run the marker lights and firebox glow off of track power. That seems to be the easiest solution.
Since this thread is alive again I'll throw in my 2 cents worth.
While I am sure that Dale's circuit would work fine for running the headlight LED off track power, I would leave it as is for 2 reasons.
One, you won't be able to turn the headlight on and off from the DCS handheld.
Two, if you ever run conventional, the headlight will be very dim.
If you are adding boiler marker LED's, I usually add these to the headlight circuit, using the MTH green marker LED harness. This has the two LED's wired in series. I also add a 390 ohm 1/8 watt resistor in series to set the current limit right.
Done this way the marker LED's turn on/off with the headlight.
If it's tender LED's you want, Stan's suggestion is the easiest way to go.