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I'll post this here in the hope that Alan will post some version of this as a sticky (without the snark if he wants ). I know this has been posted and discussed elsewhere, but here is my beef.

If you are replying with quote to a post with photos or videos, please delete the photos and videos from your reply. This isn't difficult. Click on the photo or video, which will highlight it, and then hit delete. Done.

If there is a photo that is necessary for your meaning, then leave that photo only. While you are at it, if there is a lot of text, delete the text that is not relevant to your reply. The nested boxes of multiple quotes are pretty ridiculous too. Delete all but the last quote.

Scrolling through the same photos multiple times wastes bandwidth and is confusing. I can't tell you how many times I have seen a reply box with multiple photos and then the comment was something like "Nice photos". There was even a post today where the poster reposted an entire long group of photos and then didn't even leave a reply!

The purpose of a reply is to alert the original poster to your reply and to put your reply in context. It is not to repost photos and videos that have already been posted. To reply with entire photo collections intact looks frankly like: 1. laziness 2. a basic lack of computer skills. 

Thank you.

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I'll add one: (though I'll admit, because of where you posted this request, I'm slightly off topic )

When replying to a message with a quote, please don't mix your own responses into the original quote box without in some way highlighting your responses so they can easily be differentiated from the original content you are responding to!

It's maddening to have to re-skim through the whole thing again and figure out where each thought of the original post ends and then transitions into the responses.  Please use bold, italics, change the text color, background color (that looks like highlighting) anything  (not all, just anything would be fine) to make it easier to read your responses.

Even better would be to learn to break up the quote box, but I will admit that's not as simple as it should be, so I won't ask for that.  Small steps!


Last edited by Dave45681

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