Hello! Being a huge fan of the Harry Potter books and movies, my wife surprised me with the Hogwarts Express ready-to-run set (SKU: 2023170) for my 50th birthday and that has kindled my interest for trains and creating a layout.
I am requesting help with the following items:
- Which layout would be suitable for my requirements below?
- Is this something I should plan for as my first layout or go simpler? (I am not very familiar with all the power/electrical with FasTrack or the trains)
I have never done a layout and this is my first time even looking at options. I have also been reading up on electrical and creating a work bench and I do know that I am not all mechanically inclined. Hence my criteria for FasTrack since a lot of it is plug and play.
- Here are some criteria that I am looking for:
1. A small-compact layout
2. Ability to run 3 trains at a time on the layout
3. Continuous run
4. Lionel Fastrack only
5. Future trains would be legacy or vision line and coal trains set/ boxcars - polar express high speed, BNSF coal set or boxcars or Union Pacific sets. These seems to require a minimum of 072.
6. 072 curves or easements
7. Reversing loop(s)
8 Elevated and graduated trestles
9. Tunnel(s)
10. Plug n play accessories such as coal laying station, track laying crew, floodlight tower, FasTrack automatic crossing gates. I am currently not too interested in scenery (Maybe at a very later date)
11. Extended truss bridge (if possible) - I am thinking in the 4x8 or 5x9 space. I don't believe this area would fulfill my requirements and would like to confirm my understanding.
I looked at this plan this plan initially from Ken - https://ogrforum.com/...15#77593417159111415 (5x12) but feel it would be too big for my space.
I have also looked at many different plans and to better use and understand the free version of SCARM, I tried to create some that I liked and would fit my criteria. Since I had the free version, I was limited to 100 tracks.
These are the plans I have worked on and are attached below as JPGs and the SCARM files (with 072 curves for the larger loops)
1. Lionel’s FasTrack layout options pdf (the 7’x10’) plan (OG- LionelFT10x7.png). New plan (LLo72-2D, green is elevation)
2. PhilInAustin’s plan (OG- PhilInAustin). New Plan is in two parts - Outside Loops (FirstLayout2Loops-2D, the inside loop would be graduated elevation - the 3D file), Inside Loops (FirstLayouto72o36Inside-2D). I merged these two files to show what it would overall look like (FirstLayoutTest)
3. Finally, I took that Inside Loop plan and closed out all the “open switches” (FirstLayout36Inside-2D)
4. Others I have liked but not worked on in SCARM are the plans by Ace (the 4x8 or the 5x9 with o72 curves/easements), SeattleSUP layout, layouts done by Moonman, sinclair, etc.
It would be great to get feedback on whether this plan or any other plan would meet my criteria? What I do know is that I will be only using Lionel O-gauge and FasTrack. I am willing to purchase tracks, trains, equipment as per layout needs.
Thanx in advance!