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I'm resurrecting my Lionel trains from 2005. I'm running 8 loops totally separate. The first four are on a ZW with 4 / 180 V power bricks. The second four are on an older ZW with four powermasters. Originally I uses a TMCC command base for those four loops.I am now using a base 3 to control everthing.Do I need to hook up the command base for the second four loops or not. I started to run an engine on that first powermaster loop and I had a derailment and now the powermaster is blinking and I don't know how to reset it. 

In a nutshell here are my questions.

1-Can I operate this layout the way I described it with a Base 3 and no TMCC command base?

2 - How do I reset the tripped breaker on the powermaster? 

  Thanks for the help


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@Keith Frank posted:

In a nutshell here are my questions.

1-Can I operate this layout the way I described it with a Base 3 and no TMCC command base? BASE3 is your command base!!!

2 - How do I reset the tripped breaker on the powermaster? What version of powermasters?This matters hugely because if the earlier TMCC powermaster it does not work the same as a Legacy powermaster.

In a nutshell, the older TMCC powermaster ONLY received the 27MHZ radio signal directly from the remote- the base had NOTHING to do with powermaster control or operation.
Only the new Legacy powermasters (blue housing) can receive the TMCC/legacy signal from a base (example Base3) and directly use it.
Edit- mistake, I have not used a powermaster bridge and was just reading the manual. It appears to get the command data from the serial port and a cable to a base. For Base3 that would require an LCS Ser2 module, a PDI cable, and then yet another serial cable to connect between the SER2 and the powermaster bridge.
There is one possible solution- a powermaster bridge- it takes the TMCC command data signal from the base, and retransmits a 27MHZ signal to then talk to older TMCCC powermasters.
Last edited by Vernon Barry

And, here lies the manual for the TMCC powermaster version

Again, if you are using oldschool original black TMCC powermasters- the problem is getting them the command signal. In other words- in order for it to get the BOOST command above in the instructions- that was directly sent by the original grey CAB1 remote and natively cannot be sent by BASE3.


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