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After many years subscribing and chatting (and career work time-related layout less) on this Forum, I'm now retired and have FINALLY distilled the mental essence (it's been driving me crazy with want-basics in my head) of my retirement O27 model train layout down on paper.

I owe this dramatic mental release (and relief) to the purchased SCARM Program and license, worked through many iterations of basic dimensions and track arrangements, until I sat back and shouted "That's IT!!!". The model railroad would fit into, with a walkway surrounding, the now spare 12x17 following our daughter's vacating.

Disclosure: I'm no model railroading neophyte, now age 62. I've been messing with model trains since childhood. But never had an operational layout. Being detail and minute "interested" (obsessed?) I played with N scale Code 55 in the 80-90's and belonged to an N scale local club. Moving to a very modest retirement home on the Delmarva Peninsula of Maryland in 2000 (which would match my extremely modest pension), plus failing eyes, N scale was pitched in favor of O. Discovering the existence of O27 gave me an excited outlet for finer rail profile operational details combined with more compact operations. The N Scale club members were amazed at my scenic talents...being a career Horticulturist and Conservation professional evidently helped translate landscapes to miniature.

I've had some inspirations along the way:
- Choo-Choo Charlie's 50's O27 Lionel layout;
- John Armstrong and Tony Koester books on prototypical model railroad planning;
- Lance Mindheim USA and Iain Rice UK;
- BIGGEST influence...the book Minimalist Model Railroading; Capturing the Essence of Railroading by Jim Spavins;
- Since 2000, track side exploring and monitoring (in person and scanner radio) Maryland & Delaware's Delmarva Peninsula short line railroading industry, customer business operations, rail movements and interchange with Class 1 railroads.

Massey Junction6 Plan O27


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  • Massey Junction6 Plan O27
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Pat, congratulations on retirement!  Also, congratulations on acquiring your daughter's old room for a layout.  I had a similar situation when our daughter vacated a smaller room 8 years ago.  Your plan looks good.  What engines and rolling stock do you plan to operate?  Do you plan to have relatively flat scenery as I suppose you are used to on the Delmarva Peninsula.  (Please note the word 'suppose' since I have never been on the peninsula. 

@Mallard4468 posted:

Congrats for getting started.  Good to see a walkway all the way around.  3-foot reach to the middle of the widest part is still a long way to work without bumping into stuff.

Yes...I've measured that and one of the reasons I "indented" the track plan for the Centreville Line but not the bench work...yet. Thanks...I might play with that to narrow reach for what is maybe the only boner in the mix. Thankx!!

I've notched the interior access bench work as well as the far corner...longest "reach" is more like 2-2.5 feet vs 3 feet. That reach interior will be scenic area/woodland visual barrier anyway. At construction I may round the points and corners of this benchwork after I have a power saw in my hand

Massey Junction6 Plan O27a


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  • Massey Junction6 Plan O27a

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