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Morning All!

I am looking at an old Lionel 250 Watt ZW transformer that needs a little work.  While I am in there, I am looking at replacing the rollers, circuit breaker, whistle diode, AND THE WIRING.  My question is this:  Can I use the typical, coated, solid #12 AWG wiring to replace the old cloth-coated wiring in the transformer?  It (#12 AWG) may be overkill, but it is what I have, and if it will work, then I am OK using it provided it is safe and appropriate to use.  The current wiring is solid-core, cloth-coated wiring.

As an aside, can stranded be used in place of the solid core?  I have #14 AWG stranded on hand, as well.

Thanks for the advice/help,


Last edited by dennish
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I've repaired a few ZW's, the one I'm working on right now has been stored in a really damp environment, but appears to have had little use in its life. Repair what's needed, don't mess with what's not. I've never come across a ZW, even with all original wiring, that needed any wiring replacement besides a new line cord. If the cloth covered wiring is still intact and in decent shape, leave it.

@dennish posted:

Thanks Rich!  The video only covers the power cord and rollers.  It does mention a 16 gauge power cord.  Should  the wiring in the transformer be 16 gauge?

My original question was:  Can I use the typical, coated, solid #12 AWG wiring to replace the old cloth-coated wiring in the transformer?

The short answer is yes. 12 gauge is overkill but no issue. Thermoplastic insulation like thhn, thwn and similar is rated at around 170F and higher. Can't imagine temperature rating being an issue.

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