I changed the layout and had to reconstruct the river area. Not done but progress is being made.
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It really looks good, Bill.
Let's see more of the layout, it looks fantastic from that small shot!
It looks quite nice. rivers are harder to get right than one thinks, because unlike with buildings and all, the eye knows what looks real but you can't often just measure or see what is wrong with the scene. Your's looks quite real, particularly with the rocks to the in the foreground. A river would natural flow around a big bunch of rocks and pile up sediment there, as you have it. Nice scene.
Very nice scene.
Can we get a little closer shot? Looks very good.
Looks like wonderful progress to me.
Looks great Bill. what product did you use for the river water?
The base is plaster that is painted with acrylics. Dark in the center and lighter colors toward the edges. I use raw and burnt umber. Then I use Woodland Scenic water. I put the rocks in while the first application is wet. Another coat of water then where the rocks are I use white acrylic to create the white water. I will plant weeds later or while the last coat is still wet.