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It’s Rolling Stock Monday 1/20/25.. Please follow the Forum TOS when posting. Let’s see your rolling stock! Excluding Boxcars and Beer Reefers.

First I want to thank Paul for providing the information to me so I could find this car.
It’s the MTH 20-95290  MAERSK container car.  I was only able to find 1 of the 2 numbers.
I bought this for my Son. I don’t have or run container trains or MAXI stacks. The only containers I have are these 3 because they have the flag.
I run the LIONEL TOF cars.

Let’s see your rolling stock!


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Last edited by pennsyfan

Glad to help, Bob.

Now I could just follow your lead…


But, since we have been reminiscing about the old stomping grounds recently, here’s two special run cars from TrainWorld a couple of years ago. There were a few other choices, but the voices just called to me about these two (in fluent Brooklynese I might add)!!!



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Last edited by Apples55

Well it seems to be TOFC day on RSM so I guess I will follow suit.  This is my  only TOFC car for reasons I don't know and can't explain, but here she is!!  Its a Lionel #6424 car which is not listed in my "modern" listing of Lionel Rolling  stock.  So I can't give you a date when it was mfrd.

Lionel 6424 BP pups on flat side viewLionel 6424 BP pups on flat end view

Best Wishes for a cold, dreary, "almost" snow Monday in Central Texas



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  • Lionel 6424 BP pups on flat side view
  • Lionel 6424 BP pups on flat end view

Thanks for starting us off Bob!  

Here's a trio of rolling stock for this RSM!  

Here a MTH RailKing gondola I weathered and filled with junk.


Dairymen's reefer by Lionel.


Monon custom run boxcar from Mr. Muffin's trains.  Check out the sounds.


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Last edited by trumpettrain

Well it seems to be TOFC day on RSM so I guess I will follow suit.  This is my  only TOFC car for reasons I don't know and can't explain, but here she is!!  Its a Lionel #6424 car which is not listed in my "modern" listing of Lionel Rolling  stock.  So I can't give you a date when it was mfrd.

Lionel 6424 BP pups on flat side viewLionel 6424 BP pups on flat end view

Best Wishes for a cold, dreary, "almost" snow Monday in Central Texas


Don, The listing that I found for 6424 in PW  was a black car with autos. I did a search and found your car listed by See below.  It’s listed as 6-26001. When I zoomed in on the photo the road number is 6424. I think the listing was for $67.
Update I just checked GB, it’s listed there at $150. Looks like you have a winner.

LIONEL • O GAUGE • 2001 BP Flatcar w/2 Piggyback Trailers 6-26001 • NEW OLD STOCK

Last edited by pennsyfan
@Dave Ripp. posted:

Here is an old kit-built livestock car shelf queen. It's 90 scale feet and won't navigate my 054 curves. I actually didn't buy for a runner it was a good price and interesting.

This is cool.  It is based on the conversion of 86' high cube boxcars into triple level pig cars referred to as a "Big Pig Palace". 

Lionel made the 86' boxcar, and I have a PRR version of it. Shown next to my On3 D&RGW stock car for a fun size comparison. 


Here is a link to the prototype car:  Big Pig Palace

There was also a conversion to double decker versions for cattle referred to as "Big Steer Palace" cars. 


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Here is the American Flyer #482 log car.  This is from 1940-1941 and represents the start of the take over of Chicago Flyer by Gilbert.  The A.C.Gilbert Company of New Haven, Ct purchased the American Flyer Manufacturing Company of Chicago in February of 1938.  They began by introducing an entirely new line of trains at a scale of 3/16" to the foot or what is now known as "S" scale.  However up until the end of WWII they retained the O gauge trucks and track.  The Flyer more familiar 2 rail S gauge track did not appear till the post war period.  So this log car is a "mixture" its S scale and size but runs on O gauge track and also has the familiar pw American Flyer "link type" couplers.

The car is 7 5/8" long, came equipped with 6 smooth "logs" made from dowels, and marked with "American Flyer Lines" and "482" large number decals on the logs.  The car was most often seen with this green frame however it is also found with a black frame and very rarely with square timbers vice logs and even marked "483" these last two variations are VERY rare.

American Flyer 482 log car

Best Wishes on a COLD, DREARY, Monday in Central Texas!!



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  • American Flyer 482 log car

Here is the American Flyer #482 log car.  This is from 1940-1941 and represents the start of the take over of Chicago Flyer by Gilbert.  The A.C.Gilbert Company of New Haven, Ct purchased the American Flyer Manufacturing Company of Chicago in February of 1938.  They began by introducing an entirely new line of trains at a scale of 3/16" to the foot or what is now known as "S" scale.  However up until the end of WWII they retained the O gauge trucks and track.  The Flyer more familiar 2 rail S gauge track did not appear till the post war period.  So this log car is a "mixture" its S scale and size but runs on O gauge track and also has the familiar pw American Flyer "link type" couplers.

The car is 7 5/8" long, came equipped with 6 smooth "logs" made from dowels, and marked with "American Flyer Lines" and "482" large number decals on the logs.  The car was most often seen with this green frame however it is also found with a black frame and very rarely with square timbers vice logs and even marked "483" these last two variations are VERY rare.

American Flyer 482 log car

Best Wishes on a COLD, DREARY, Monday in Central Texas!!


Interesting Don; sort of a reverse ON30 which is o gauge on HO track

@pennsyfan - Good comment Bob, yes I would say you are correct.  The entire Gilbert American Flyer line of "S" scale trains from the time they took over the American Flyer Manufacturing Company of Chicago and moved it all to New Haven, Ct was left as 0 gauge even though the new cars introduced used S scale vice 0 scale.  Flyer used the forced break caused by the cessation of toy production during WWII to design and make ready their S gauge, 2 rail track and the appropriate transformers etc.  They then emerged as the American Flyer we likely both knew from our boyhood.

It is also interesting to note that Marx tried the same approach.  They developed a very handsome S scale all metal lithographed line of freight and passenger cars at around the same time period (late 30's early 40's) and they too were interrupted by the WWII ban on metal toys.  In fact it is said, although it can't be confirmed, that the Marx rather well known #99 all metal locomotive was developed just to pull these freights.  Marx however never changed their trucks, gauge, or track system and continued to offer their "scale" freights in S scale but 0 gauge up until about 1954-55.  It has been said that at that early time many Flyer users switched trucks on the Marx cars and used them on their Flyer layouts.  To this day they are quite handsome.

Best Regards


My parents both worked at and retired from Westinghouse when it was still big in Pittsburgh.  When Miller came out with his Circle W (for westinghouse - a well known sign in the burgh) I got it, made a crude building to hold it, and found these 2 cars that go nicely with it.

That sign is one that I've pretty proud of - he was going to make a version of it but posted on his site that he scrapped the idea for lack of info about it.  I did research and sent it to him and he made the sign - and gave me one to say "thanks".

= walt

z - TR - Westinhouse crate gon and transformer by building


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  • z - TR - Westinhouse crate gon and transformer by building
@walt rapp posted:

My parents both worked at and retired from Westinghouse when it was still big in Pittsburgh.  When Miller came out with his Circle W (for westinghouse - a well known sign in the burgh) I got it, made a crude building to hold it, and found these 2 cars that go nicely with it.

That sign is one that I've pretty proud of - he was going to make a version of it but posted on his site that he scrapped the idea for lack of info about it.  I did research and sent it to him and he made the sign - and gave me one to say "thanks".

= walt

z - TR - Westinhouse crate gon and transformer by building

No video?

Well Bob, I apologize in advance for the condition of today's post.  It is one of my "ancients"!  I discovered this Ives # 65 Cattle car at an auction and just had to have this old gal.  The Ives #65 was first produced in 1910 and came as a 4 wheel or an 8 wheel car up to 1925.  Over those 15 years it came in a bewildering number of variations, my Ives book devotes 2 1/2 full pages of pictures to just the #65 !! This lithographed 8 wheel variation, from the New York Central and Harlem River RR (NYC & HR) sporting the orange/ yellow wood grained lithographing on the ends and open slot sides dates from 1918 to 1925 so it is between 100 and 106 years old.  The cross braces say (although some parts are worn off)  "Live Stock" on the left and "Transportation" on the right side of the door.

I love these old gal's...I admit it.  This one is remarkably complete for her age.  The two couplers are both complete and functioning as are both sets of trucks.  There is no rust on the frame, trucks, or wheels.  Both sides feature an operating door that still slides easily.  I just received this one from the auction and some time this week I intend to "run her" around the layout to celebrate her "Centennial"  trip!

Ives #65 Cattle Car side viewIves #65 Cattle Car end view

Best Wishes to All.  Happy R.S.M.!!



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  • Ives #65 Cattle Car side view
  • Ives #65 Cattle Car end view
@pennsyfan posted:


If it says Libbys, Libbys, Libbys on the label, label, label. You will like it, like it, like it on your table table table”.

Come on, admit it - you sang that

Now, when I was a kid, we had Renken’s milk on our table. Left in the milk box on the stoop early in the morning in glass bottles with those little cardboard stoppers!!! This was a METCA special run from a couple of years ago.



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@Apples55 posted:

If it says Libbys, Libbys, Libbys on the label, label, label. You will like it, like it, like it on your table table table”.

Come on, admit it - you sang that

Now, when I was a kid, we had Renken’s milk on our table. Left in the milk box on the stoop early in the morning in glass bottles with those little cardboard stoppers!!! This was a METCA special run from a couple of years ago.


Renken’s was the dairy of choice when I worked in the Deli during HS. Can’t tell you how many gallons of milk I packed out in those three years. Of course I have one of those cars!

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