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I have a Ross Custom switches double crossover.  Each line is connected to a separate transformer (Lionel 180 W power brick), powered through the MTH TIU.  However, every time I run a car or train diagonally across the crossover (from one power source to the other), the track shorts out.  This doesn't happen if I power the whole crossover from one single power brick.  So, I would take that experiment to mean that my bricks are out of phase.  The problem is that the plugs on those bricks can only be plugged in one direction (plugs have a fat prong and narrow prong). So, my question is, how do I get the two bricks to be in phase?

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Starting simple:  Do you have a multi meter where you can measure the voltage at the track?  If so, with the power bricks on, measure the AC voltage across where the track is isolated.  If it's in phase it will read near 0 volts and if not, something around 18 volts.

I don't ever seem to remember the 180 watt power bricks as having a phasing problem.  Are they both plugged into the same AC outlet?  I've found AC outlets in my house that were wired backwards.  If one outlet is correct and the other reversed, the power from the bricks will be out of phase.

I don't have any 180 watt bricks myself.  I have older 135 watt versions.  If you've covered the simple stuff, please post the information from the ID tags from your power bricks.  I am sure someone else can chime in if there is a potential one of them is wired wrong.


On your advice, I substituted a third 180w power brick for one of the two that I had hooked up to these circuits. It worked perfectly.  So clearly, one of the power bricks is wired incorrectly.  

I guess the best way to correct this is to get an adapter with a non-polarized plug and connect it to the backwards wired power brick.  Any other thoughts?

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