There's a reason that Ross has a backlog, they make great switches. Also, Steve's service is excellent, and you get a lifetime warranty.
I'll second that unless we're on thirds, fourths, or fifths. If I recall, at October 2021 York, Steve had been talking with someone that they were busy as all heck. I believe it was at the OGR Quaker Steak and Lube dinner that I was told this. When I went to the Ross table that Friday, Steve was busy as all heck, I couldn't get a chance to chat with him. I talked with one of the guys there and he had said that everything just went crazy with everyone wanting Ross after the events of 2020(which we know what I'm talking about).
Steve is great to talk to on the phone, gives the best advice about what to do before ordering. Know what you want, have a plan. It's the best way to get what you want in the end. I still need to talk to Steve in person, one of my goals.