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What did you use for the conduit the lamp shade is hanging from? I didn't see those at the Scale City link? I have poked around on their site a couple of times and don't remember seeing anything like that either? They have some neat stuff and your lamp installation looks just like the real thing!

I need to do some detail planning, Scale City has a lot of neat detail items that I need to start using on my layout! 


The light is a surface mounted LED which is glued to the end of a piece of 0.75 mm copper wire.  The surface mounted LEDs come with fine wires attached, from DCC Concepts.

The fine wires are CA glued to the copper wire, which is simply bent to shape with pointy pliers.

Once it's painted, the fine wires disappear.

I can take more shots if it will help.


Yes, those wires certainly did disappear! Thanks for the details, I think I understand it now. I thought that was some type of tubing that had the wires inside, but it was really just a piece of copper wire. Had me fooled and it looks very nice too!! 

They are making these things so small these days, before long I won't be able to see them at all. 

All time dumb question. Why are they called surface mount LEDs? What's the difference between these and regular LEDs? Couldn't I glue any LED to a copper wire? I understand the bulb is glued to the wire but the fine wires have to go through whatever the wall surface is to get to the electrical source, right? Can you clarify? Many thanks. 

Surface mounted LEDs are the ones mounted on your circuit boards.

Retailers have put pressure on for the manufacturers to add super thin wires to them, just for us.

You can solder the wires on yourself - some modellers still do; but I'm too lazy.

The beauty of them is that they are tiny - about the size of a full stop.

I've got a picture of one that I glued to the hand of a Bachmann figure, for a torch - erm flashlight. 

Where is it?  Ah, here it is . . . .

PE 172

The wires are glued to the far side of the figure and disappear into the baseboard by his left foot.


Images (1)
  • PE 172
Last edited by MaxSouthOz

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