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I'm a "print off a manual & make pencil notes all over it" kind of person and am having a hard time with SCARM, even though it is a very simple program. I am in the process of trying to plan the new layout for Trains in the Town Hall, our seasonal community display that we do each year. Part of the attraction is that it is always different & operating accessories for the kids to activate are within reach.

This year we want to build a 8’x34’ with three mainlines. I have a rough idea of how I want the layout to layout, I would just like to get it in SCARM, and solicit outside opinions. It would all be 027 tube track. For a comfortable SCARM user, I'm sure this can be whipped out in 30 minutes, if anyone is interested in blowing an evening, (or morning if you're retired), I'd love the help.

The interior space is 38'x34". There are chimneys in each corner, a stage on the east end and the entrance on the west end. We put a layout on each side of the building, and we have a 6'x10' for the stage. We have tables & chairs set up in the center, as we have found that a large portion of the visitors just like to sit & watch. See photos.

a link to the 2015 display video


Thanks everyone!


NE Ohio



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In that case, let's start with this. The baseboard is 8'x32' (96"x384"). It's created using the Toolbox and entering specific ABS Coordinates as follows:
X=0 Y=0 +
X=384 Y=0 +
X=384 Y=96 +
X= 0 Y=96 +
Done, press the Fit To Screen button to get a complete view.

As you can see from the labels, track 65049 is the O42 inner curve and 65113 is the O54 outer curve. FWIW, 65033 is an O27 curve. I used the middle sized straight 65038 (8.75") vs the longer straight 65024 (35") because it's easier to make changes until the layout is complete. Once complete you can then replace 4 shorter pieces with 1 longer piece if you want to use the longer ones for the actual build. I didn't go through the trouble of adding the shorter straight 65019 (4.88") at this point because I'm not sure where you want to go with the layout.

To download the attached SCARM file, use the Save Target As option from the right-click menu.





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Last edited by DoubleDAZ


Thanks for the starting point. I Went through the tutorials, and couldn't find that info. Comparing the size of the scarm layout you did to the drawings I posted (in powerpoint) it looks like I will have some room to complete what I have in mind. I will download your file probably this weekend & start messing with it. 

Again- thanks for the help.




Are you really going to use the O27 profile track or the regular Lionel O? The rail head height is the difference.

What are the dimensions of the chimney in the corner? 24" x 18"?

Single runway airport or perhaps a tight, elongated X for runways?

The HellGate bridge layout could be on a piece of 2" foam to enable carving the ravine. Hiding the edges wouldn't be that bad.

I have an idea to shape the passenger run to give it personality.

I have some stuff do. I can help later today (6-9-16) , if you wish.


Carl, you always help me out!

Are you really going to use the O27 profile track or the regular Lionel O? The rail head height is the difference. yes, 027 profile

What are the dimensions of the chimney in the corner? 24" x 18"? Yes

Single runway airport or perhaps a tight, elongated X for runways? Single runway, a couple Quonset huts, three WW2 1:48 airplanes, one suspended over in flight

The HellGate bridge layout could be on a piece of 2" foam to enable carving the ravine. Hiding the edges wouldn't be that bad. Open to any ideas, I thought about the ravine in order to avoid a second track elevation. Was going to place a mirror under to illusion a river

I have an idea to shape the passenger run to give it personality. Very open to your thoughts, I used your PE scarm layout 2 years ago

I have some stuff do. I can help later today (6-9-16) , if you wish. Happy for your opinions, at any time



Roger, there are 2 ways to find the info you need. You can go to the main SCARM page and select "Online Help and FAQ" from the table of contents or when you have SCARM open, you can Press the F1 key to open the online documentation. Once open, look through the options for the 2D Editor and you'll find "How To Use The Toolbox". Opening that displays instructions for each option, including "Baseboard (abs coordinates)", where you'll see an "example" link. It opens an example for creating an "L" shaped baseboard with a set of entries similar to the ones I posted for your rectangle. The key to using the Toolbox is converting measurements to inches. I took the liberty of adding to my original examples:





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rogerpete posted:

Carl, did you have a chance to take a look at this design?



No Roger, I apologize. Had the family all weekend. Grandson's 5th birthday and Dad is away for business. So, they moved in.

In your diagram, I was going to use the angled corners that were frequently used in O27 for the green line, try to create a snake in the front of the purple line to break up the straight run. leave the orange line narrow as you have and perhaps squeeze in a trolley bumper run or make it a trolley line from town to airport with 2 or 3 trolleys (trick wiring)

How long of a passenger train on the purple line? 

See what you think of this - I had to flip the purple - I had the snake in the front, but the orange O42 wouldn't fit. A couple of O54 curves cut in half.

A couple of cut straights on green.

If you like some iteration of this, I can do it in RRT and add the operating accessories fit to your specs. I was thinking coal loader and coal bin at opposite ends, logs and sawmill opposite and next in with the milk loader centered.



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