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Hi everybody,

Trying to make my dollars stretch,for assorted layers of ground cover

Starting with painted owens corning foam board,for my first coating of probably brown ground cover do you think I can dilute elmers glue 50/50

It will most likely be covered with multiple other layers which also will be locked in

My thought was to use elmers glue diluted 50/50 maybe,paint brush it on,sprinkle ground cover then when I do my next layer days later use diluted scenic cement

Then in the end spray it with scenic cement

Thanks everybody

Last edited by Transman
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Ask a 100 different model railroaders and you will get a 100 different answers. This topic is more like "how I like to it". If you want to stay least expensive then use white glue or even Mod Podge (I like it better). You can paint it on full strength for the first application or mix it 50/50 and use it. Then you can mix the white glue/mod podge 1 to 3 (one part glue to three parts water) and use it as scenic cement
Just remember to use wet water or isopropyl alcohol as a wetting agent before applying scenic cement.

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