"I only put the siding on three sides because the back side will never be seen so no point in wasting money right?!?!?!"
Good idea....right up until, in a few years you decide to remodel the layout/move/start over...whatever reason, and you realize that now all 4 sides will be visible on that walk-around layout you have and wish you had put that side on originally, when it was easier to do. Now, you have to cobble a new wall together and it is more work than if done the first time.
That 4th side may not be seen now, or next week, or next year. But later? Who can predict. And if you ever sell it, that side may mean the difference between a good price and a great price...or a ready buyer or one that may or may not need it.
Is saving a dollar or two worth it? If you spend another $20 on the last side, (and I think we can all agree that is a high estimate!) and you get 10 years of use out of the tower, that amounts to $2 a year ( think 4 cents a week!) so you could have finished it fully. And in 10 years it should not be worthless, but have some resale value.
That is just me speaking/thinking, and I am about as cheap as anyone here when it comes to saving a dollar. But sometimes, amortizing over a period of time will put things into perspective.....for many high dollar (and even low dollar) items. Probably too late to add that wall now anyway!
Great looking piece by the way!