My original plans were to save up money, and contract someone to build me what I wanted. That plan did not work out. So I have to make stuff myself. It has been years and I have done nothing. Each winter I say I will try it again. This year's winter is here so I'm trying once more.
I have several places in one area to build mountains. Ideally they would go right down to the floor and even act as doors for my angled cabinets. That would also act as scenery for my lower G scale as well. I had visions of the area of Harper's Ferry!
All that's in my head and has never materialized. I have watched as numerous posters here have built something.
So now I'm waffling over a mountain area that I would ideally like to be semi-removable. I thought of building a skeleton frame out of plywood with thin wood strips. I would add cardboard strips and add my plaster cloth. That would get covered in precast rocks. Very heavy and might break off?
So I considered making the skeleton out of Dow board with strips but that might collapse if moved? So then how about solid Dow board glued together? I still want precast rocks applied for better detailing? ( I already casted a couple dozen rocks out of plaster.)
So how about the foam based rock material? It looks expensive and I have no experience casting with it. How heavy would that be? What would be best to serve as a base? Plywood sheets as cabinet doors or Dow board?
All this and I can't get started. Once again I was saving for a bridge from Silk City and I instead bought more G scale track! I have No focus.
I could build it if I just had A direction.
The grandkids asked politely some time ago when will it be done? .... I think they meant even started?