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The dcs signal is higher further away from the TIU and weaker closer to the TIU. When I tested it the signal further away was 8 or 9, when closer it was mostly 1or 2 or none. What could cause this? This has happened with several locomotives but not all. 

I did test it with a tether with no improvement. 

I run ver. L and 6.0 on both the TIU and handheld. 

Thanks for your help,


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Is it convenient to try a different TIU channel and see if same results?

Is this something that just happened recently, or just after you changed anything?

What is your power source?  I assume this is not passive mode?

How big is your layout?  Is is a "simple" loop?

Have you tried the Protocast mode to play music or whatever as an engine goes around a loop?  It's an alternative way to narrow down to very small sections of track for problems.

I assume you have the ZW just hooked to Fixed 1 Input and your track to Fixed 1 Output.

To operate on Fixed 2, you must apply power (red/black) to Fixed Input 2 and move the track wires to Fixed 2 Output.

I suggest the easiest is to run two jumpers from Red to Red and Black to Black on the Inputs.  This way, the TIU has a source of power to run its internal electronics which it normally gets from the Fixed 1 Input.



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Why not test the tiu's dcs signal  by putting the channel in fixed mode and using a small test track and a know good engine.  Should be able to get a perfect signal... 10

Too many track feeders can also cause signal problems.... Here's an example.. 30 feet of track divided into three  10 foot blocks might  yield a signal of 5 & 6s.  One set of feeders to the same 30 feet might yield a perfect signal of 10. 

In this case other blocks were on the same channel.

Have you tried the "magic bulbs"".at the tiu out put or on a terminal block  if using one.  

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