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OK IT's obvious when it comes to electronics I am a "greenhorn" or bette ryet a "Greelee" [Pun intended.

I ordered a couple of ERR by Sunset Railsounds e-8/9 Railsounds and a couple of Gas Electric Railsounds kits.

Railsounds by ERR001Railsounds by ERR002

Something is not right. I want to gut some Weaver models E-8s with QSI reverses and build Custom Gas electrics via MTH DC-3 bodies and power blocks and Add the ERR TMCC railsounds. Do I have what I need or did I miss something here? I don't see any installation instructions either.

I have in the bags;

  • One board
  • One speaker and enclosure
  • A bag of double sided foam
  • a wire harness of two point connector with a 9V connector on the opposite end
  • a 4 point wire harness connector with only 3 wires to a 9 prong mini connector
  • Speaker gaskets.

Please help me get out of "Stuck in Stupid" mode. I also would appreciate any tips and installation tricks.

The Weaver E8's will be using the original non flywheel Mabuchi "window can motors"

Thanks in advance.


Images (2)
  • Railsounds by ERR001
  • Railsounds by ERR002
Last edited by prrhorseshoecurve
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This will give you some sounds in conventional mode. For that you have to run wires from the pickup roller and frame to the board. Instructions will show where these go. Then plug the speaker harness into the board. It will give you horn, bell, and prime mover sounds. To get more than that you need a TMCC board like ERR DC Commander or Cruise Commander. Thats what the three wire harness is for.

The battery connector is optional. It allows the sounds to continue for about ten seconds after power shutoff and also for sounds to continue if dirty track causes momentary loss of power.


Last edited by Norton

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