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Chris Underwood posted:

Has anyone developed an easy to use remote like the Thomas Lionchief remote for use with Legacy?  The Legacy remote is to busy for my 2 and 4 year old. They can handle the Thomas remote.  My idea would be to have each remote set to a different Legacy engine.




What are you willing to pay for this?  Serious question. 

MartyE posted:
Chris Underwood posted:

Has anyone developed an easy to use remote like the Thomas Lionchief remote for use with Legacy?  The Legacy remote is to busy for my 2 and 4 year old. They can handle the Thomas remote.  My idea would be to have each remote set to a different Legacy engine.




What are you willing to pay for this?  Serious question. 

I hadn't given it much thought until I saw the price of the cab-1l.  Maybe $50.  Or maybe make WiThrottle solution a little more robust for free.


As far as I'm aware, no one currently makes such a product.  On the other hand, one could rather easily build such a thing with easy to get components and prebuilt modules if they were so inclined.  Just running over the needed parts in my head with recent prices, and erring on the expensive side, you're looking at maybe $15 for a base station that connects to your Legacy or TMCC base, and perhaps $15-20 for each remote you want.  Such a thing would provide a TMCC level of control over the engines with a simplistic remote similar to lion chief remotes, built in a small plastic project box.  A dial for speed, whistle/bell buttons, uncoupler buttons perhaps, and whatever other features might be desired.  

Of course the pricing mentioned just covers the parts. I'm unsure if if it would be worth someone's time to put it together  or not considering the niche market for such a remote.  Then again, I bet the materials cost could be dropped quite a bit if one took their time sourcing the parts and was going to make at least a dozen or two remotes.  


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