Here's a little project born out of need to have a low power DC supply. It's a simple circuit, but does offer DCS compatibility and a component configurable voltage or constant current output. The TO-92 package regulators are available in 5V, 6V, 8V, 9V, 10V, and 12V. By simply using the correct part, you can get any of those voltages out of this supply. In addition, if you substitute the CL2 constant current source part, you can get 20 or 25ma of constant current.
Some of the uses I've already put this to is running a MARS light simulator and powering the Chuff-Generator in conventional applications. If you have flashing or flickering LED's, they also need a steady DC supply, they won't work with just a diode and resistor off the AC. This board fitted with a CL2 would be a perfect match.