Dylan the Train Man here, back with a quick update to my new and improved layout: the Sunrise Mountain and Western Railroad (SM&W RR) Version 2.0. For those who haven't seen my previous train shed update posts, check those out to see all the progress from start to end of my layout room.
Now, before I get to the update, I have some facts and figures to mention about my layout room and layout in general:
-The layout is in a 12' X 16' shed in my backyard.
-The layout itself measures 11' 4" X 15' 4.5".
-I'm using Mianne Benchwork with 5/8" plywood on top.
-The track is Lionel's Fastrack, with all command-controlled switches.
-The layout is a two-loop layout with O84 curves on the outside loop and O72s on the inside loop.
-Min. Curve on whole layout: O72
-The backdrop is the Arizona Desert backdrop from Trainjunkies, with a small BNSF yard added on the west wall.
Now for the actual short update:
I now have trains running on the layout. When I got home from work this evening, I did a bit of cleaning of my three current locos and then ran them around the layout. Everything ran great! The switches also operated well. I'm pretty happy.
The next steps will be to screw down the tabletop boards, build a hinged bridge, lay the track permanently, wire everything up, and add more trains. Also, Lionel's Base 3 is coming this summer!