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well, the smoke unit in my upgraded GS4 Daylight from PS1 to PS2.  seems to be squeeling big time.  the fan output is also diminishing during the sqeel.  I assume some bearings gone. do you replace the motor or the entire smoke unit?   would I select the same PS1 part? or a PS2 smoke unit? or does this matter?  I would imagine I would need the exact one that fits the particular engine. 

ill take a video later to demonstrate, but im sure someone has had this happen.



































































































































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It sounds like the fan needs lubrication on the smoke unit.  If you did the upgrade, open the engine and lubricate the axis of the fan and that should fix the problem.  If not, you can use The Megasteam Eliminator - applying it 3-4 times will lubricate the fan.

Megasteam Eliminator

Here are before/after videos Scott did that shows the results:



Last edited by C&O Allan

There's a bearing on both ends of the motor. The end opposite the fan may be closed.

Look here and scroll down to grj's photo. Look at the MTH motor in the center.

I use a bottle cap and mix a dab of anti-seize with the lite oil, thin enough to flow and drip that on small axles or bearings that are a problem using a toothpick or suitably sized pointy object.

Last edited by Moonman

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