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I am hunting for O scale open grate to use as a platform around a tower.

I can not  find a source so far

tichy train group makes one in HO scale, but unfortunately not in O

Any ideas?  If not for a source then maybe an alternate construction method

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Thank you for the generous offer, but  I really had not thought about it at that level of detail to be able to do that. It does make me think of some laser questions if you don’t mind:

what laser do you have?

what is the input file?

how fine detail can it do?

how large a piece of stock?

First, Do contact Doug and ask what he can do.


what laser do you have?  GlowForge  Plus  (45W pulsed) --- check their website for a complete list of features.

what is the input file?  it can cut, engrave or score;

To Cut or score an .svg file ;  to engrave anything like a .pdf or any raster graphics file;if you use shades of gray it will 3D engrave... real cool!  Engraves metal.

how fine detail can it do? real fine like a laser beam; the finer the detail the weaker the piece 

how large a piece of stock? max cut  1/4" wood or acrylic  check the GlowForge website for a complete list of materials.


OR   I have a FormLabs 2 where I have made gratings in resin. However for flat items the GlowForge is faster.

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