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I attended this meeting last year, and it more than met my expectations.  Lots of parts.  I was picking up NOS US Hobbies wheel sets with axle and bearings for $5 each.  There was a guy giving away lightly used 9000 series Pittman motors for free.  A free Pittman motor pays for the price of admission.  I also attended Chicago, O scale West, and O scale National this past year.  I would say that it was better than O scale National.  It has better layouts at the show venue than the other three shows.  It was the only one with a working trolley layout.  

Jim DeBruin will likely be there and maybe willing to answer questions regarding various enigmatic pieces from the pre/post WW II era.

It was the only show that had some semblance of an entertaining speaker.  The other shows had real snoozer speakers in my opinion. I think at one of the shows some guy was whining about 3D printing with the speaker. Either way the dialogue was about as entertaining as a lecture on quantum mechanics.

It is also the only show where the layout tours are within a few miles of the venue.  OSW has some great layouts but in some cases one has to drive about 250 mi to get there.

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