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As I'm bringing my railroad back on line, I'm finding that everything is running weird, badly or not at all. I've been trying to clean the tracks, but still getting erratic operation, horns blowing without asking for it, stalling, and excessive sparking from the pickup rollers.


What's causing the sparking? Is it dirty rollers, dirty track or both? How to you clean and prepare the rollers?
















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Rollers, wheels, and track are the common issues.  It can usually be laid at one of those doorsteps.


That little Scotchbrite wheel will quickly beat itself into a round one, I just nip the corners to make it a bit easier for it.  For caked stuff on the wheels, I normally use a flat blade to clean the gross stuff off, Alcohol to clean, and then I use this to finish up.

Last edited by gunrunnerjohn
Originally Posted by fastman:

I use nail polish remover on aQ tip to clean wheels and rollers also. Be sure to spray with force some WD 40 between rollers and axles,also you can clean rails with 'paint thinner,not lacquer thinner'. I also tie a weighted damp sponge behind a train a drag it along the track

Um, never use WD-40 on your trains, it will cause rust among other things!

Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Rollers, wheels, and track are the common issues.  It can usually be laid at one of those doorsteps.


That little Scotchbrite wheel will quickly beat itself into a round one, I just nip the corners to make it a bit easier for it.  For caked stuff on the wheels, I normally use a flat blade to clean the gross stuff off, Alcohol to clean, and then I use this to finish up.


I've been using the Deoxit product you recommended. Apply to the rails then wipe dry. Track is spotless and continuity is great.

I didn't mention Deoxit D5 here, but I use it as well.  I had a locomotive that the rollers were getting hot enough to start the oil smoking, a little drop of that on each roller axle, and they run cool and happy.  I've used this on connectors, and if you're restoring old PW transformers, some of the contact surfaces on the control arms cry out for this stuff, works great!


I ordered and received both the Deoxit Gold and D5 from Amazon. The Gold and D5 came from two different sources so the Gold came first. The D5 just arrived. I used the Gold today and it's GREAT! I just used a couple of drops on the rollers of several of my engines and instantly, they stopped arching, stopped stalling and ran perfectly. I'm going to use it on all my engines and then use the D5 to clean the track. I'm very happy with the results. The trains were really starting to bug me.

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