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My VL Hudson stopped on one section of Fastrack. I checked the voltage all around the loop and it was pretty constant with 15-16 volts ( there are 7 lighted passenger cars ). After moving the Engine up the track (about 2 feet) it started again.  As the train moved I saw sparks from a 1 3/4 inch section of track to the wheels. This piece was replaced and all is well.


What caused the sparks? The piece looked OK , no rust ,etc.



Last edited by BReece
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Normally sparks are an indication of dirty wheels, rollers and/or dirty track. The track may look shiny but a few passes with a paper towel or rag usually tells another story. Most of the dirt comes from the normal wear of traction tires, mixed in with some grease and oil. There are numerous products and techniques to clean track, but I've always been partial to 91% isopropyl alcohol and elbow grease.



    A while ago I bought some new sections of FasTrack. After I touched the rails I noticed a dark line on my fingers. I wiped the track with a paper towel. Some light oil came off. Apparently this oil is a residue from the manufacturing process. It's invisible and the track looks fine. But it can cause problems, especially when it mixes with traction tires, grease, oil and maybe smoke fluid residue. Now I clean new FasTrack sections right away and when necessary.

As John replied clean your track but also make sure you clean your locomotive train rollers and your wheels/traction tires. Track is the first part but it all has to work together to run it's best. I have to clean new Fastrack too because of the protective oil to keep it from rusting.  If you keep your layout where you don't have a lot of humidity you shouldn't have a problem.  If you do have humidity issues get a dehumidifier and try to keep it around 40-55% humidity level.

speaking of sparks.

was cleaning up an MPC locomotive for a friend

to resell. he got it from a guy that used to clean his track

with steel wool(BIG MISTAKE).

you cant believe the particles left in the magnatraction,

wheel, inerds and everywhere there is a magnetic attraction.

tried to clean it out the best I could. put it on a test loop

and watched the fireworks. 

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