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I made this airplane spinner for work. We make video surveillance SW for large business/stadiums/Towns.
This is used to see if the cameras have any ghosting effect and to see if it is a fluid motion.
I Thought this would be nice on a layout wit 2 or 4 airplanes/blimps and even some action figures like Superman?
 It uses a 115VAC disco ball motor that is 5RPM and cost about $10.00 or so.
If there is any interest I can post pictures on how I built it for ideas.

Have video but having problems going from my I pad to here.



Images (3)
  • mceclip0: Spinning Airplanes
  • mceclip0
  • mceclip1
Last edited by RonH
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Thanks for posting your note with pix.  I bought a disco ball for a similar project -- for a Christmas-decor plastic blimp that has a battery-powered spinning propeller.  I've drawn several sketches of how to mount it so it would travel along a tri-oval path above my layout. Admittedly, my mechanical engineering skills are lacking, and I'm now working on my third sketch.

Mike Mottler    LCCA 12394

Thanks for posting your note with pix.  I bought a disco ball for a similar project -- for a Christmas-decor plastic blimp that has a battery-powered spinning propeller.  I've drawn several sketches of how to mount it so it would travel along a tri-oval path above my layout. Admittedly, my mechanical engineering skills are lacking, and I'm now working on my third sketch.

Mike Mottler    LCCA 12394

 Never used the battery one only 120vac. The best part is that I have these running for years 24/7 spinning white/black foam board for maximum picture change so the camera could detect motion. When the start to make noice is when I Replace the motor in. On the airplane one I made something like a slip clutch for the motor to spin. Bit first then when it is stopped, the motor stops but the spinning continues for a little bit. This is to absorb the gorge of the motor to the planes and planes to motor saving the motor gears and mounts🤓

Last edited by RonH
@Rich Melvin posted:

If you are going to animate an aircraft flying in a circle, don’t leave it level. Bank the wings into the turn, like a real aircraft.

Good idea, it is easy to adjust, because on the top the fishing line goes through a hole (hole edges are beveled/chafed to reduce line wearing and breaking). Then the line is secure between two washers with a wing nut to tighten. In a day or so I will add how I built the stuff and by the way all the planes are scratched built, no kits involved as I did not want to pay $15 to $20 per kit👍
Also the prop is just a round piece of plastic that is scored to make it look like the prop is spinning.
If you would like I can try to send you a 30 second video to watch. This goes for anyone else who would like to see it in motion. Unfortunately I am unable to post the video in this forum, Apple product? My email is in my profile.

Last edited by RonH

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