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Hi all,

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm currently working on a fall scene, and just picked up a new package of Heki autumn trees. It's a pack of 30, with half being a "rust" color and the other half being "olive" The olive look great, but I was thinking of making a few of them a bit more "autumn." Has anyone had any luck spray-painting the foliage on trees? Similarly, any recommendations for what colors would work best for a realistic fall orange/red/yellow? These will be off in the distance, so I'm not too concerned if the spray paint end ups on the branches. Given these trees are not the cheapest, I'm trying to avoid taking a trial by error approach so all feedback would be greatly appreciated.



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I have purchased bulk Heki evergreen trees and then I customize each one like this:  I spray each one with clear DullCote to provide the "sticky" and then sprinkle some "Burnt Grass" randomly on them.  I then do another spray of clear DullCote to seal the Burnt Grass on. I have done it to the larger trees that have clump foilage on the branches and they look a little boring. 

I have also made hedges doing the same thing but I sprinkle on a yellow or red to simulate flowers.  The hedges I cut from commercial stripping pads that go on those round floor buffers. You can cut them on a table saw or scissors if you don't have access to a saw.

So you should have no problem spraying your trees and then added the colored foilage to your liking and then a clear coat to seal it on.  Good luck.  JP

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