Ladies and gentlemen of the Scenery Forum, I am looking for a source for O gauage passenger figures either standing or walking with suit cases for station and platform scenes. Artitista and woodland scenics have a limited selection of passenger figures walking with and waiting with their suit cases. I prefer figures that are already painted.
Thanks for any help. You all have never failed me before, even when I was seeking an O scale moose or chicken wire.
Ladies and gentlemen of the Scenery Forum, I am looking for a source for O gauage passenger figures either standing or walking with suit cases for station and platform scenes. Artitista and woodland scenics have a limited selection of passenger figures walking with and waiting with their suit cases. I prefer figures that are already painted.
Thanks for any help. You all have never failed me before, even when I was seeking an O scale moose or chicken wire.
Randy, Preiser of Germany has quite a few passengers carrying luggage...little pricey, but detail is very sharp. The clothing colors are vibrant. I've seen Preiser in 1/43, 1:45, and 1:50. It appears that Preiser doesn't offer all figures in each scale, but I've always found suitable choices. Depending on the scene the varying scales are used in, or the viewing distance of the scene on the layout, the 1/43's can appear too large...but generally, all have worked for me.
Artista are also favorites of mine. Two of my favorite figures are the Artista railroad station employees carrying luggage...have two on the layout
I'd say that the per figure pricing of Preiser is close to the Artista price, but Preiser are sold usually in packages of 4, 5, or 6. Hope this helps...