A resistor is a bad way to do it, consider some back-to-back diodes. Each diode pair drops the voltage around .6-.7 volts. In my experience, starting below around 2 volts is pointless, so if you have a transformer like the ZW that starts at 6V, you would need either six or seven diode pairs to drop the starting voltage to 2 volts. A compact way to do the diode pairs is to use a bridge rectifier of the proper rating, each bridge rectifier will replace two sets of back-to-back diodes. You need bridge rectifiers rated for the maximum current you'll be drawing from the transformer to the track. Something like this 10A Bridge Rectifier bolted to an aluminum heatsink would be effective to most uses.
Here's two bridge rectifiers wired to drop AC voltage, note that this pair would drop around 2.8V to 3.2V. If you need more voltage drop, add more bridge rectifiers.