I'm not from Missouri, but "show me" your model of a 3 rail steam car. This ranks right behind a McKeen car on my
list of "wanta haves". The Jan/Feb 2013 issue of Narrow Guage and Short Line Gazette has an article on a prize
winning one done in G gauge, worse luck. With a similar method to his for front truck construction (biggest problem
as with the McKeen car) I had no luck trying to modify an HO 0-4-0 power truck to O scale, and put the project on a
back burner. I could find no O 3R 0-4-0 chassis that didn't have, often grossly, oversized drivers. There are a number of combine coach kits (Walther's and others) that would easily kit bash into the body. Third in line is a locomotive coach combination, as shown in the front of that same NG&SLG. Built a steam rail car?