Bob, our experiences vary. Locally, we have differing organizational structures for our fire service. I service some of them in my insurance business.
Yes, there are some very well funded fire departments with above average wages especially in the affluent and urban areas that have a substantial tax base.
However, there are many fully volunteer fire companies who receive a very low share of the tax $$ pie.
Much like many underfunded school systems where the teachers and parents wind up buying substantial amount of supplies.
That is the beauty of voluntary service or donations, it shows community support and provides much needed help.
One thing I noticed during the DNC in Philly were times when folks stepped up and prepaid for cops lunch who were behind them in line. Yes they are well paid but they are human, frequently under appreciated and 99.99% great.
We have a lot of train shows in this area that just would not happen if they did not roll out the trucks and let us use the space. Yes we pay rent, but ask any volunteer fire department, those folks could always use more. Fireman, much like the Thin Blue Line that keeps us safe, I would never want to hold back support of our first responders.
Two life experiences: volunteer firemen saved my home years ago and more recently we all experienced the loss of one of our fine young volunteers in a fire.
So, once or twice a year the volunteer fire departments hold out a boot at intersections. Many people give with an appreciative smile and a thank you.