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One of the requirements for the Boy Scout Railroading merit badge is to build a structure from a kit.  I am hosting an all day class at our local Merit Badge College and need to find entry level kits for scouts to build in a reasonably short period of time. Any suggestions or experiences would be appreciated.

Conductor Earl

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Presuming Plasticville is not acceptable,  there was a series, a number of repeat

auctions, of this little kit of a small town post office on the bay, however that supply

must have been exhausted.  It was inexpensive, for an O scale kit....$15.  I would

suggest you look in the HO world for a quantity of identical kits that might be

bought inexpensively for however many scouts need them.  Those you might find

quickly in a local hobby shop.

I would 3rd the Ameri-Towne kits from the OGR web store. Definitely worth a look. My LHS also carries the Ameri-Towne buildings, so I would imagine many other hobby shops carry them as well.


There are 7 one story kits available. There are 4 different kits for $12.95 each and another 3 for $24.95 each. These are very nice, well made, sturdy kits, fairly easy to build and very reasonably priced for what you get.


You can get acrylic paint for about $1.00 a bottle at a craft store and some inexpensive paint brushes and detail them to whatever level you like. There is enough paint in the $1.00 bottles to paint several kits.  You could get several different colors and have enough for quite a few kits using different color combinations for each kit. (as shown in the pictures above in Mike CT's post)

Last edited by rtr12

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