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I have an area 26" side to side & 18" at its deepest. It's up on a cliff kind of on it's own. I was going to put a Wicked Wanda's Barr Mills kit in this spot, but after thinking about it I decided ( actually the boss) the subject matter would be too controversial for the small kids that might come to see the layout. So does anyone have a suggestion on what might fit in this space? I was thinking H&H Feed Mill from Woodland Scenics but so much of the fine details wouldn't be visible. llll1


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I have a house of ill repute called "Bada Bing" which is portable.   I move it on and off the layout depending on who will be visiting ... kids or adults.  Of course I also have all the necessary accessories to go with it, which makes the scene even more interesting for ... adults only ...And they all seem to  smile and giggle once Bada Bing is spotted on the layout

I interchange this scene with a barrel warehouse.  The entire change over takes about 10 minutes.  

If you like WW you might think of a building you could easily trade places with WW.



A variety of suggestions, of places that appeal to a variety of imaginations:
+ a micro-beer craft brewery...IMG_0554IMG_0726

+a parochial school and church campus...IMG_5151IMG_5139

+ a rural snack-foods small business, side buildings, and parking, pull-in lot...IMG_9667 [2)

+ a tank-farm of modest

+ a suburban neighborhood of modest size...AAIMG_4956b

+ and yes, a camp grounds..IMG_4860 [2)

They worked for me.







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Last edited by Moonson
Trestleman1 posted:

To all...These are all really great suggestions. I'm going to have a tough time deciding which one to implement. Thanks for your input, 



I guess its a tough decision making time for you Don. These are all great suggestions and the pics provided by our fellow OGR forum members are fantastic.

For what it is worth, my fav is the timber scene for this spot

MELGAR, I checked out the Idaho Hotel footprint and it just won't fit because of the irregular shape. If the area shape was a perfect rectangle of 26" x 18" it would work, but if you look closely you'll see some spots are a lot narrower than 18". Same thing with the Vetter Sash & Door Co by Menards. However I appreciate the suggestion.

Thanks, Don

Trestleman1 posted:

MELGAR, I checked out the Idaho Hotel footprint and it just won't fit because of the irregular shape. If the area shape was a perfect rectangle of 26" x 18" it would work, but if you look closely you'll see some spots are a lot narrower than 18". Same thing with the Vetter Sash & Door Co by Menards. However I appreciate the suggestion.

Thanks, Don


According to the Bar Mills website, Idaho Hotel is 17 inches wide by 8 inches deep...


MELGAR,  You are right, the Idaho Hotel will fit. I don't know what I was doing when I checked the first time, but I think the hotel will be a good fit. I hope all the folks with other suggestions don't get mad at me. I really liked the logging idea, but I think the hotel is the best fit.  I thank everyone for their thoughts and suggestions, Don

Trestleman1 posted:

MELGAR,  You are right, the Idaho Hotel will fit. I don't know what I was doing when I checked the first time, but I think the hotel will be a good fit. ... Don

I think the Idaho Hotel will look just right nestled into that hillside and surrounded by your outstanding stone modeling. Here are two more views of my Idaho Hotel. Post some progress pictures as you build.




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Lionel Bldg CornerFlyer Freight StationApt House Corner                                                              My layout is long and skinny, 17 ft by  36" so I have a lot of small spaces.  These pictures while not nearly as accomplished as those posted by others are my attempt to "fill in" the small spaces.   The top photo is a stock Lionel building about 4" square and illuminated only cost about $11. Fills in a corner space where the outer loop turns.  Needs more detail I know but am working on it. The middle photo is me trying to use some of my prewar collected stuff...its an American Flyer freight station from about 1938 along with a Hornby loading crane (where I got this i don't remember) and a Plasticville outhouse.  the VW pickup van is a kids toy I bought at a local store.  It fills in the space between some O and O27 Switch machines at the head of the passing siding.  The final picture is my "Trackside Appartments" where all the traveling salesmen stay.  the footbridge is plasticville as is the passenger platform. It fills another corner


Images (3)
  • Lionel Bldg Corner: This little bldg is straight from Lionel and only cost about 11$ I believe and it is illuminated.  More detail is needed but it covers a corner of the layout
  • Flyer Freight Station: This is a small space between switches.  Flyer prewar freight station, Loading crane is old Hornby, car is kids toy, and outhouse is Plasticville
  • Apt House Corner: Apt House is left over Christmas House from Michael's Art Supply and Bridge is plasticvile This is another corner of the layoutle

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