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I'm looking for an appropriate building to place next to a Lionel pre-war 126 passenger station on my Christmas layout.  For more than ten years I have had Lionel's remake (plastic) animated passenger platform next to it and have never like it.  The space available will handle up to approximately a 7"X7" footprint.  I'm not looking for an operating accessory, but rather a 1940s - 1950s era structure that would look appropriate.  Water towers, light towers, diners, downtown commercial buildings just don't seem to me to work.  The best I have come up with is the Ameri-Towne fire station which has a 6"X6" footprint.  The location is served by a road.


Perhaps some of you may have ideas I haven't thought of.


I will appreciate any suggestions.



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John, thanks for the reply.  I don't know what happened to the one forwarded to my email account.


I have looked at all the "Scenery Source List" references to no avail.  Then, I Googled Pioneer Valley, but the site only shows manufactures' lists.  Plus, none of the lists were selectable.  I had hoped to find the hotel.  A Hotel or fire dept is where I'm leaning toward.



Originally Posted by rogerpete:

Hi Bill

 I want to build the FD to have an opening door, so we can light it at night with a vintage firetruck sitting inside.

Pete, Ameritown's FD is my top choice at the moment.  I has a small enough footprint to suit the layout's space.  Since the model does not come with an opening door, I would be very interested in what you do to add that feature.



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