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I haven't gotten very much done this week on the basements. Did a little on some of the "stuff" that will go in the basements, but I'm not ready to post that yet. Also, glued the walls to the floor, but if I post that it won't look any different than what I posted last week.


You might say I've been working at this guys pace.





Anyway, would sure like to see what everyone else has been up to.


Images (1)
  • Snapper
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After taking Fred's advice I worked on my grade crossing. I had tried to use some ballast before to complete the shoulder ares and was not happy at all with the look. Fred's suggestion was to try a HO scale medium grade of ballsat. So after adding some fussion fiber to build up the area a bit the ballast was put down and does look much better. Still need to add some ground cover at the base and get the track ballast in but I am progressing (about the same rate as Fred's turtle)!!!  




crossing 1




crossing 3




crossing 2




crossing 4


Images (4)
  • crossing 1: Before
  • crossing 3: After
  • crossing 2: Before
  • crossing 4: After

Vulcan: your modeling skills are so advanced that when I opened the thread the first thing that I did was notice the picture.  And my first thoughts were "Dang, he's GOOD!".


Then I read your comment about the pace you are working at, and since you also have an outstanding dry wit, I couldn't tell if you were joking around or not.


Then I read some comments from others, Alex's for one "Vulcan your scenery work is totally awesome and professional", and thought, See, it IS a modeled scene.


Then I read the snapper comments, including yours, and came back to thinking it was real.


You'll just have to more clear to us less talented ones


- walt

Vulcan, if i thought that u actually made that snapper, I'd give up this hobby. but since you said it moved into its shell as you got closer, I accept that you didn't animate a model ( not that you couldn't, i'm sure) but in fact you were  looking at the "prototype." :-). whew. I'm glad to have come to this realization as I really like this hobby. 



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