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Work is progressing on an industrial spur of the Happy Valley Railroad with an icing station. The Lionel operating accessory is fun for kids (of all ages), and I'm scratch-building an ice house to make the scene complete. The limited depth of my around-the-walls layout means I have to get creative fitting structures into narrow spaces. The building is patterned after the Atlas Ice House and is constructed of foam board walls covered with Evergreen V-groove siding. Because the walls are so plain, I made the roof interesting by using styrene pattern sheets of "wood roof shingles" from JTT Scenery Products. Great stuff and easy to work with! To keep the roof geometry simple, I used the upper gable ends from the Atlas Ace Feed & Supply kit; everything else is from scratch except for the doors (Grandt Line, I think). Still have to build a platform and access ladder for the upper doorway, and a loading platform for vehicles at the other end.



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Still working on figures and proper scale.  The 1:50 figures look good with plasticville, maybe too small for OGR fronts.
Using 1:48 figures seated in vehicles for the A&W rootbeer stand.  I may just use the batch of 1:50 figures for inside detailing, following selective compression, and switch to 1:48 figures outside on the city streets.



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Alan, another great job.  So glad you placed those two railcars along side to show the true size of the silos.  I've got those two cars from our childhood train set.

Johan thanks for the aerial view.  I had no idea the station was so close to the creek.  One can get in some good fishing while waiting for the train.

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