I think Peter has every model-making tool known to man and, he is an expert at using them. He is going to have to give us a picture of them all hanging up on a peg board.
Thank you Alan and Bob........all my tools have come about by accident or by design.....
By accident (or, through my disorganization).....I go to a show (mainly York) and see a tool and say, "hey, I need that". However, when I get home, I find that I have 3 already! And, I've been going to York since 1983......I'm not sure if this ever happens to anyone else?
By late 2020, as I approached retirement and my wife made plans to finish off the attic as a train room and as I was dismantling the basement layout, I had time to plan. First of all, I realized that I had trains that I never knew I had nor did I ever run. Well, 4 SUV loads have gone to Cabin Fever.....and, I have been successful in keeping the fleet size down!
Then, I planned the layout and looked at my pile of building kits. I read the instructions and my new interest was "small tools that will help me get it done". Having all these tools available has really helped the is careful reading and re-reading of the instructions. Sometimes instructions leave gaps.......but, knowing that I have a wide variety of tools, I have the confidence to muddle through (and, I have my modular group colleagues to help me with carpentry and electronics and this great Forum that is a great repository of experience to bounce things off of!!!!!).
In addition, watching Alan's and everyone elses projects over the years has been a great inspiration!
Sorry if I rambled too much. Have a great week!