Good Morning Everyone,
I will start out with something I created in the past. Lets see what you have been working on.
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Replies sorted oldest to newest
The warehouse model is complete and will be delivered in a few days. Construction time was 62 hours. Last photo shows Lionel Legacy New Haven Ten-Wheeler #816 crossing the scratch-built truss bridge – built from basswood of various cross sections in 2014 - on my 10’-by-5’ layout. The other buildings in the photo are also scratch-built.
Photos by:
Alan... very nice work
Pete...good idea, looks good
Norm..clouds look great from here
MELGAR....great outcome on that project
I'm on a long project of a hotel behind an elevated arches, so far have everything printed for the hotel except the basement walls. The elevated arches need designing in CAD first.
Alan and all great projects this week. Norm the clouds look real.
sidehack posted:
Exceptional! Just curious as to whether your input CAD file is 3d or just 2d with z-coord of surfaces specified only in the STL file. Also - what material?
Thx guys. I am still on the fence about them. They’re easy to paint over at least. This is the third going at the backdrop plus I changed all the lighting over to 5000K LEDs. Originally had 2800K halogens then 3000K LEDs but wanted to get away from the warm cast. Here’s some more backdrop painting experiments taken with my iPhone and uncorrected for cast (iPhone ‘warmify’ setting):
davidbross posted:
Why is that? Perhaps too many? Like the buildings on your layout, maybe less is more!
it is a brewery. It is hard to see in the building but there are two copper vessels inside.
MELGAR posted:sidehack posted:Ray,
Exceptional! Just curious as to whether your input CAD file is 3d or just 2d with z-coord of surfaces specified only in the STL file. Also - what material?
Melgar, everything is modeled in 3D first, what you see as the printed parts on the right are duplicates of what is in the computer, every section has pin holes to be able to line them all perfectly when gluing.
This so far is all PLA material but when I get into reinforcing and brackets behind etc. I'll use a PETG which is much stronger.
This is what the wire frame looks like showing all the different sections color coded
Norm, I think it is because you are too close to them right now. Looking at them for me, they appear near perfect.
When we work on something, we are more critical I believe. Please don't paint over them yet. Maybe let them sit for a week?
Listen to me now , I'm talking to a master who usually has perfect taste in details. I'm not worthy!
Check out my scratch-built Union Station project at And photos of my North Woods Diorama from several years ago at
To all others that posted today, GREAT WORK!
Norm Charbonneau posted:
Hey opinion. I think there are too many clouds and too consistent in shape and type. Maybe less is more or just delete them altogether and go with plain blue...maybe fading lighter towards the horizon.
Just my opinion again.
i agree with Bill, just spectacular.
I think the clouds are amazing. You captured the wispy, gauze like texture beautifully which isn't easy. What ever you're doing, keep doing it.
The warehouse is beautiful too. I like that open doors. It gives a sense of "lived in energy". I need to do more of that.
Trainman2001 posted:The warehouse is beautiful too. I like that open doors. It gives a sense of "lived in energy". I need to do more of that.
Thanks Myles. Actually, I went through the effort of making the doors slide. Ordinarily I wouldn't do that for myself but this model was built for a friend. He plans to detail the interior.
Thanks for input fellas. I am still experimenting with the look. I wanted a more hazy sky so I am painting out clouds here and there and trying to blend the sky colors down to the scenery. The biggest hassle about all this is having to work up on the layout. I am trying to avoid a cartoon look and also don’t want it to look overdramatic. Still a ways to go.
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