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Here is a scratch built model that was on the TMB club layout. I removed it for renovation and detailing. Fresh coat of paint for the roof, Interior LED lighting and lots of details. As the details which are produce related this will become a Farmers Market. I will post more photo's in coming weeks when it gets installed back onto the club layout.  Most of the details  were provided by Harry Hieke. 



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Alan Graziano posted:


Thank you for telling Myles my secret. The reality is that people have figured that I am crazy enough to take on challenges of one of a kind models rather than mass produce. It is not a formula to make money but it has been a formula for happiness.

alan graziano

That is the truth every crazy thing I have come up with he has made for me and is awesome to work with just ask you will be surprised what Al can create  

CNJ #1601 posted:

Very nice stuff, Alan!  I finished weathering the “old” Atlas (pre-Altas O) 40’ boxcar that I recently detailed 3-rail scaled...and shared in the SSS thread a few weeks ago...









That is a completely outstanding weathering and detail job.  I'm guessing you used a number of washes with craft acrylics.  Your floor boards and interior are absolutely realistic.  This is an example of fine scale modeling in 1/48 scale'


From all the Great photo’s above, obviously there is a real trend for Realism over Fantasy....Norms Layout looks Real, CNJ#1601 can really weather a car, NS Trainman has a beautiful Southern Switcher, FL9TURBO2, amazing cranes and scenic details, L.I.Train, great paint job on the roof, I like that color of green, KON112, beautiful layout, neat scenery.....Everyone else, great work, this is a really great thread...5B5F511C-889A-4E89-8927-1545D24A039E6776B5A7-592C-4126-86DA-4FBD6F0273B52CF3C323-F47E-44B3-8742-82A04E7DC5163C33EE5B-8B65-45A0-9BB7-15D7041138317AC8C87C-2BA9-4A92-8CB7-0A6497312B5E


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