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       Good Morning Everyone,

I will start off with a model I created in the past. It is a Korber modular building that I kitbashed. I am getting this going early this morning because I have to deliver a model I have been working on for a while. Lets see what you have been working on.P1020783P1020779P1020782P1020781P1020777


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       Good Morning Everyone,

I will start off with a model I created in the past. It is a Korber modular building that I kitbashed. I am getting this going early this morning because I have to deliver a model I have been working on for a while. Lets see what you have been working on.P1020783P1020779P1020777

Beautiful building! I love those kits, Alan......I wish Steve would start making them again.....


My continuation of the Hap Hazard Packing Company kit.....

Recap of earlier this week.....


Walls up and freight dock next.....



The second floor office.....


The windows are delicate and it's slow going.....


Next is the main roof and 3 stairwells.....all will be slow. Wooden supports for the roof fhave tabs which it into slots.....the slots need to be opened a bit with sanding and, the stairwell pieces are tiny....

Have a great Sunday and a great week.

As always, thank you Alan for starting this up every week!



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Last edited by Putnam Division

My continuation of the Hap Hazard Packing Company kit.....

Recap of earlier this week.....

Walls up and freight dock next.....

The second floor office.....

The windows are delicate and it's slow going.....


Next is the main roof and 3 stairwells.....all will be slow. Wooden supports for the roof fhave tabs which it into slots.....the slots need to be opened a bit with sanding and, the stairwell pieces are tiny....

Have a great Sunday and a great week.

As always, thank you Alan for starting this up every week!



This is really coming together nicely. Your updates have shown very organized and neat work.


Rolling into Beaver Creek, MD on a summer afternoon in 1955.

This was just an open green space until the other night. I tore out some scenery, added the station, parking area, vehicles, water column, and then blended the scenery.

(Photo on my 2-rail O scale Potomac Valley Railroad)



The scene looks great! That station looks very familiar.


@Dave_C posted:

Peter, that kit is coming along and is looking good. Really like how the walls and floors came out with the staining. Especially how the dock area has a more worn and weathered look.
What do you use as far as stains ?

Thank you, Dave.

I basically followed Dennis' instructions.

The colors are:

India Ink wash (Dennis' recommendation is a 1 tablespoon of India Ink/pint of rubbing alcohol). Used on the outer wall top to bottom and on the raw lumber which I will use for the stairwells.

Minwax times 4:

Red Chestnut.....the outer wall.....less stain on the walls without the covered awning to give them a more "sun bleached" effect. Red Chestnut is also on the inner walls and the interior studs. However, the interior studs then get covered with an additional coat of Driftwood

Dark the base/pillars/loading dock.....variations in the amount of stain give it the contrasts........NB.....Minwax Dark Walnut was also the color suggested to replace Railroad Tie Brown 10-12 years ago when the color became scarce. the main floor

Early American......covers the Wainscotting and floor of the office(2nd) floor.


The 2nd floor outdoor side is just an off white spray paint with flat gray overspray.

When it's complete, it will probably get a little more India Ink wash


Last edited by Putnam Division

The weather has had some nice days this week for being outside. Decided to try something different and make some pine trees. It involves a few steps but can be a relaxing afternoon once you get going. These are the first 2 I did. I like the one on the right a bit better for what I’m doing with them. Looking more for a forrest grown look than a stand alone type.


I know what I spent as far as materials. These are on average. 8 to 10 inch trees. Still should come out at about $5.00 a tree I hope. I’ve bought commercial trees but still prefer to build my own.


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Ryan, I’ve become a watcher of Al Pugliese Trains. I thought that station looked familiar. It’s a shame to see that layout come down. There were a lot of interesting structures on his layout which I guess are up for sale. It’s also great to watch what Howard Zane is doing with his custom O scale builds. Which he’s mentioned are for a 3 rail layout.

@Dave_C posted:

Ryan, I’ve become a watcher of Al Pugliese Trains. I thought that station looked familiar. It’s a shame to see that layout come down. There were a lot of interesting structures on his layout which I guess are up for sale. It’s also great to watch what Howard Zane is doing with his custom O scale builds. Which he’s mentioned are for a 3 rail layout.

Hey Dave. Yes, Al and I (and Howard) are friends. You'll often see me in the background of his videos. Yes, that was a beautiful layout and very well done. Yes, the structures from the layout will be for sale- you'll see that on an upcoming video on both Al and my channels. A lot of very unique stuff you won't see every day.

Howard is doing a total of 16 custom O scale builds as we speak. He just finished building 11. I was over there Friday- every single one of them is amazing. Howard is such an artist. Yes, all of those are headed for a 3-rail layout.

@coach joe posted:

Great work all.  I have a general question.  Peter used an India ink wash on his would kit,as recommended by Dennis Brennan, would an india ink wash work on plastic kits?

Yes, I’ve used an India ink wash on plastic kits. Just go lightly. One thing I really like using on plastic (and really anything- styrene, wood, brass) are PanPastels. I use those on just about everything for weathering. They work fantastic and if you don’t like how it turns out or want to redo something,, you can simply wipe it off with a wet paper towel.

Rolling into Beaver Creek, MD on a summer afternoon in 1955.

This was just an open green space until the other night. I tore out some scenery, added the station, parking area, vehicles, water column, and then blended the scenery.

(Photo on my 2-rail O scale Potomac Valley Railroad)

Nicely done, Ryan! How about a full layout feature for the magazine? My contact info is with my profile.

Howard is doing a total of 16 custom O scale builds as we speak. He just finished building 11. I was over there Friday- every single one of them is amazing. Howard is such an artist. Yes, all of those are headed for a 3-rail layout.

Another prospect for the magazine? Howard certainly is a true master of modeling, and I definitely would love to see what he he doing (and why). He has done a whole lot over the years to support and promote the hobby.

Another prospect for the magazine? Howard certainly is a true master of modeling, and I definitely would love to see what he he doing (and why). He has done a whole lot over the years to support and promote the hobby.

I think that would be really great! He is a master of modeling, and these O scale structures he's currently building are absolutely amazing. I will see him this week and mention it to him.

Hi All,

I bought this Plastruct kit about 30 years prior at a show, thinking it would make a good retirement project.  I’ve had to do a fair amount of kit-bashing because of missing and or wrong scale parts.  At this stage I’m looking for suggestions on how to treat the ground surface and appropriate berms/walls within and around this (now) secret chemical plant.  I’ve researched photos, but have not yet settled on anything specific.  (The larger valves and pipe elbows are 3-D printed, some piping from Walthers, and other brass details)  Much detailing, signage, etc. are yet to come.

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance!



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The simplest thing you could do is just put a curb around the vessels. It can be one continuous curb maybe using 1/8-inch square styrene strips. If you want to pick up the equipment you could place a concrete pad under everything using .060" styrene sheet. Typically dike areas have to contain 110 percent of the largest vessel. Another suggestion would be brick, block or concrete walls made from styrene.

Have Fun. You did a nice job building the kit. I know the directions are not real clear.

Last edited by Alan Graziano

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