Peter, that kit is coming along and is looking good. Really like how the walls and floors came out with the staining. Especially how the dock area has a more worn and weathered look.
What do you use as far as stains ?
Thank you, Dave.
I basically followed Dennis' instructions.
The colors are:
India Ink wash (Dennis' recommendation is a 1 tablespoon of India Ink/pint of rubbing alcohol). Used on the outer wall top to bottom and on the raw lumber which I will use for the stairwells.
Minwax times 4:
Red Chestnut.....the outer wall.....less stain on the walls without the covered awning to give them a more "sun bleached" effect. Red Chestnut is also on the inner walls and the interior studs. However, the interior studs then get covered with an additional coat of Driftwood
Dark the base/pillars/loading dock.....variations in the amount of stain give it the contrasts........NB.....Minwax Dark Walnut was also the color suggested to replace Railroad Tie Brown 10-12 years ago when the color became scarce. the main floor
Early American......covers the Wainscotting and floor of the office(2nd) floor.
The 2nd floor outdoor side is just an off white spray paint with flat gray overspray.
When it's complete, it will probably get a little more India Ink wash