Good Morning and Happy 4th of July. I will start with some pictures of a model of the house I grew up in. Let's see what you have been working on.
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Alan and all Happy 4th ! That model is amazing.
Alan, what a wonderful model to build.
Great house, Al.....
You are an artist Alan, wow!
Great House Alan
was that house a duplex ?
when was the back stairs installed in real life ?
Bill in Wauwatosa, WI
Great looking Compressed lake !
Thanks, it sort of “flows” under the plate girder bridge the train is on.
Thank you fellas.
This is a typical colonial from the early 1900s. It was a one family converted into a two family. The porch and back steps were installed in 1967 or 68.
I was born in 1957 and lived upstairs above my grandmother and moved out in 1979 when I got married.
Mighty nice retirement gift. Beats a watch any day.
I was worried about the structure surviving shipping to Canada. Luckily it did ok. If you look closely you will see the top cages came unglued and are resting on the platforms.