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Happy Father's Day to all......I continue my new layout project which is concentrating on building a good chunk of the kits that I have accumulated over the years...... the latest one: TW TrainWorx' Cameron Freight Transfer Company....


Love my magnets!


LOTS of trim and lots of preparatory sanding....


I weathered the gray with acrylic paints: Sand Dune and Antique Parchment....


I love my clamps, too!


Happy Father's Day!



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Last edited by Putnam Division

Happy Father’s Day everyone. Really nice work as usual. Alan - using paint rollers came great on the wash system. Peter - I continue to be impressed with your work on those TW kits. Can’t beat your outdoor work station either!

The cornerstone project has been a little slow. I mis-ordered the smaller gooseneck lamps from Evan’s Designs, so no exterior lighting yet. I did receive lettering from Todds Architectural Models and some laser cut railings from another vendor.


A fun moody shot before adding stairs:


Applying the lettering took some patience, but came out well. The stair railing also added some nice detail. Lots of leftovers to add to the scrap box too!

One last thing I did was add magnets to better hold the stair assembly to the building. Sure glue could have worked, but without a layout, I want these items easy to pack away. More magnets will be used to hold shadow box style interiors inside the building flat. More on that part of the project next week  


PS - anyone have a favorite vendor for small building signs? My printer is OK, but not sure it makes the cut for small details (signs like visitors must report to office, loading dock 1, etc.)


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Nice photos everyone, thanks for providing inspiration, week after week!

The past couple weeks, I have resumed working on a kit that I started many years ago.  About 10 years ago, Dave Minarik of Mercer Junction Train Shoppe hosted Altoona Model Works to do a clinic in the store.  As a part of the clinic, we received AMW Branch Line Station kits.  After the clinic was over, I brought my unfinished station home, and there it sat until a few weeks ago. Moving some boxes around to work on my layout, I saw it, and decided it needed to be finished as my next project.

This week's work was assembling the bay window and painting the structure and trim.  I decided to paint this model similarly to a tower that I recently built.

Here's some in-process painting work with the trim pieces finished in dark grey and the structure and door panels finished in a light grey.



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@luvindemtrains Looks great! It’s amazing what a little paint can do for these Walthers buildings. Your concrete work looks amazing!

The Cornerstone series has really grown on me. That said, I’m jealous of the variety available in HO. Shame the O series didn’t grow as large.

@SIRT thanks for sharing the link. You did really incredible work there - such a great idea to combine two fronts. I can’t get over the lighted exit signs, the overhead lighting, etc.

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