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Good Morning Everyone,

I will start off with a training model I created for the petroleum industry. It measures 15 inches across and 10 inches high equaling 60 feet in diameter by 40 feet high in scale. The tank is fitted with an aluminum geodesic dome to cover the floating roof.

Lets see what you have been workin on.

Alan Graziano3547173B-D6D3-4C2D-8754-390C3AE37E7676B4F800-B40F-4832-B883-4E041FE5688E


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Last edited by Alan Graziano
Original Post

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I have been working on a kitbashed industry for the mine run module leading up to the coal mine. I built the coal mine module last year, but it's been static and unreachable by rail..... 

This project is  (2) Lionel Electrical Substation kits and one Lionel Municipal Building kit, plus a lot of inspiration from photos of a similar kit bash done by Norm Charbonneau, a fellow OGR forum member. 

Hope to have the LED lighting done today, the truck loading dock built for the left hand up hill end, and start working on final details, window doors, vents, stacks, downspouts etc.  


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Alan Arnold,    Thanks for your comments this morning, and I appreciate the  deletion of the "commercial" that keeps finding it's way onto this thread on Sunday's.... It's noticed and appreciated.

Dave C.  Thanks for the positive feedback,  we should plan to get together one of these days.

David:  Your work on the K Line Diner has me thinking I may "need to buy" one of those in the future,  what an amazing improvement .  

Chris A 

chris a posted:

I have been working on a kitbashed industry for the mine run module leading up to the coal mine. I built the coal mine module last year, but it's been static and unreachable by rail..... 

This project is  (2) Lionel Electrical Substation kits and one Lionel Municipal Building kit, plus a lot of inspiration from photos of a similar kit bash done by Norm Charbonneau, a fellow OGR forum member. 

Hope to have the LED lighting done today, the truck loading dock built for the left hand up hill end, and start working on final details, window doors, vents, stacks, downspouts etc.  


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Really Nice! Is that a flat roof on the "left wing" ( cause I see a door on the middle tower.) Did you have to make any cuts to the kits when kitbashing? Is the wooden extension scratch build or from another kit? Inquiring minds would like to know!

chris a posted:

Alan Arnold,    Thanks for your comments this morning, and I appreciate the  deletion of the "commercial" that keeps finding it's way onto this thread on Sunday's.... It's noticed and appreciated.

Dave C.  Thanks for the positive feedback,  we should plan to get together one of these days.

David:  Your work on the K Line Diner has me thinking I may "need to buy" one of those in the future,  what an amazing improvement .  

Chris A 

Chris....I appreciate your comment above but I feel I need to make sure everyone understands.  Richard at Right On Track Models is a good guy with good intentions.  His business is relatively new and he is new to the forum and has been excited about supporting the forum and at the same time offering his very nice product.  Several of you have contacted me via email about Richard posting in this thread concerned about him promoting his product.  I talked to him about the concern because he noticed that his posts had been moved (they were forked into new topics not deleted) and he expressed to me that he certainly did not have the intention of ticking anyone off....he didn't know that some of you would be offended by his posts.  Afterall, it seemed natural to post in any thread that had top notch scratch builders like you I am sure his surprise also had a tinge of disappointment.  And....he had posted an apology in this thread which was pretty nice of him if you ask me...even though now I see it is gone.  He probably didn't want to call any negative attention which I understand.  All I can say is that I sure hope at least some of you give him the benefit of the doubt and support his efforts at offering some nice and unusual structures.  



Wow Guys,

Just fantastic work.  Chris, I really like that kitbash.

I have been adding a few buildings to the layout.

The first is a furniture Store/ Factory - standard furniture.


I placed one of the Korber Roof top sides on the building - these are pretty cool signs.


I mixed a number of structures, and some details to make the propane dealer.


I had an old Lionel station from my layout as a kid, and I decided to replace with a new kit I got from Right ON Track Models, the depot kit.



Pretty Happy with the upgrade.  I added LED lights to the buildings as well.


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PRRHORSHOECURVE:   Thanks for the positive feedback and questions.

Yes there was some cutting involved. 

Step 1:   I cut off the 2nd floor of one of the elect. substations.  

Step 2:  I cut off the concrete foundation of the Municipal building and the remaining 1st and 2nd floors of that became the 2nd and 3rd floors of the center 3 story building, sitting on top of the remaining first floor Electrical Substation from Step 1: 

Step 3:  Mounted the 2nd floor of the elect. substation to the concrete foundation from the municipal building... this becomes the single story right hand wing... 

It is a flat roof that I made for the left side 2 story wing.   The door is from the municipal building. 

The "bump out" on the 2nd story is scratchbuilt, I picked up some Midwest products Basswood Clapboard siding last weekend at a hobby store out on Cape Cod,  1/8 inch spacing....  What nice material that is to work with.....   It comes in 3" x 24 " long sections and the cost is around $3.00 what a deal,  the corner moldings are 1/16 x 1/16 basswood, the windows are leftover from the Korber Joe's Pickle building....

I did the cutting on my 10 inch craftsman table saw...  What I figured out at work (I restore historic windows) is that changing to a 60 tooth  - 7 1/4 inch freud blade makes cutting really small parts easier and neater..... The 7 1/4 inch blade is much thinner kerf, removes less material, and slows the blade speed down, which cuts down on melting plastic. 

 I got some 5/16" baltic birch 5 or 7 ply plywood, and made a new insert for the saw then raised the really fine blade through the plywood so I have a zero clearance plate.  For the plastic parts it also helps to clamp another smooth piece of hardwood, or plywood so that there is absolutely no gap between the fence and the table top. 

I attached some earlier photos below which show the parts before weathering so it's easier to tell what's what, I also included 2 photos that Norm C. sent me when I emailed him some time back and told him I wanted to do a kitbash like the one he did.....  His work is outstanding !   I just didn't want to go up 4 stories, building was getting too big for the setting and blocking out too much of the view .  



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  • Norms Lionel Elect Substaion Kitbash 2  3.18.18: Photos shared by Norm C
  • Norms Lionel Elect substaion Kitbash 3.2018: Photos shared by Norm c
Last edited by chris a

This is a favorite thread for me to follow, all of you have done awesome work !  Alan, we have been installing Geodesic domes over the crude tanks where I work in Phila.  Great job on the training tank you built.  The buildings and brickwork are so impressive , I hope I'll be able to come close to that standard when I am building my layout.



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