PRRHORSHOECURVE: Thanks for the positive feedback and questions.
Yes there was some cutting involved.
Step 1: I cut off the 2nd floor of one of the elect. substations.
Step 2: I cut off the concrete foundation of the Municipal building and the remaining 1st and 2nd floors of that became the 2nd and 3rd floors of the center 3 story building, sitting on top of the remaining first floor Electrical Substation from Step 1:
Step 3: Mounted the 2nd floor of the elect. substation to the concrete foundation from the municipal building... this becomes the single story right hand wing...
It is a flat roof that I made for the left side 2 story wing. The door is from the municipal building.
The "bump out" on the 2nd story is scratchbuilt, I picked up some Midwest products Basswood Clapboard siding last weekend at a hobby store out on Cape Cod, 1/8 inch spacing.... What nice material that is to work with..... It comes in 3" x 24 " long sections and the cost is around $3.00 what a deal, the corner moldings are 1/16 x 1/16 basswood, the windows are leftover from the Korber Joe's Pickle building....
I did the cutting on my 10 inch craftsman table saw... What I figured out at work (I restore historic windows) is that changing to a 60 tooth - 7 1/4 inch freud blade makes cutting really small parts easier and neater..... The 7 1/4 inch blade is much thinner kerf, removes less material, and slows the blade speed down, which cuts down on melting plastic.
I got some 5/16" baltic birch 5 or 7 ply plywood, and made a new insert for the saw then raised the really fine blade through the plywood so I have a zero clearance plate. For the plastic parts it also helps to clamp another smooth piece of hardwood, or plywood so that there is absolutely no gap between the fence and the table top.
I attached some earlier photos below which show the parts before weathering so it's easier to tell what's what, I also included 2 photos that Norm C. sent me when I emailed him some time back and told him I wanted to do a kitbash like the one he did..... His work is outstanding ! I just didn't want to go up 4 stories, building was getting too big for the setting and blocking out too much of the view .