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A few months ago I shared with you a station I finished.  I had some real estate left over and decided to build a parking lot.  I was motivated by Eric Siegel's paving method.  The paving method was fun and I think looks realistic.  I am continuing this method for a street running scene which departs this lot.

I made the light poles from some plastic telephone poles I purchased years ago.  I simply cut off one side of the cross bars and hung a light.  I used left over light sockets from the MTH Station project but retrofitted with LED.  I used a finishing washer to create the down light.  I wired the lights in series, so the wire you see running from pole to pole is really carrying the electricity.

The parking bumpers and the center island walkway are just dollar store foam painted and weathered with powder.  

The parking lines and oil stains are airbrushed on.  I really like that look and will never used pinstriping again.

Have Fun!


Telephone pole, MTH building Light socket, finishing washer.


Night time




The owner of this '67 Mustang is not happy.


The wire is functional carrying juice from light to light.


Dollar store foam to make walkway and bumpers


Guard rail is from an old AFX racing set.



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Great postings as usual here on the weekly SSS.

Here is the latest batch of re-paints of MTH 40 "YORK-FAIR" premiere boxcars. Some creative license was taken as LIRR was never a big freight carrier and its my RR. The cars were stripped then primed with Tamiya Gray. For the final coat I used Scale-Coat-II rattle cans. The decals were home made using ink-jet decal paper i got on Amazon. Holding off on dulling and weathering until the final few cars have been re-painted. Wonderful thing about this hobby is that we Model Railroaders have plenty of indoor activity to help pass the self isolation time away.



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  • LIRR-22
  • LIRR-23


If you click on the link in my post above it takes you to Eric's post.  Near the bottom of that thread is my reply on  how I made it looked aged.

If you want a clean, new look, my Wife found this great product from Home Depot.  It's like fine sand, $5 a bag  and you get a whole lot more than if you were to use the WS cynders.



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