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Nice wok everyone,

Steve -  curious on your numbering, is that the count of the cars you have weathered?

Dave - your steel mill was the inspiration for my building which is just a false front I created and rather than create another portal. Thanks for the insight on the paper crimper to make my own corrugated metal.

Here is my steel mill false front, wasn't sure if I posted this before but here goes

Steve1126161143a_Burst01_resizedmill entrancesteel mill-2


Images (3)
  • 1126161143a_Burst01_resized
  • mill entrance
  • steel mill-2
Last edited by L.I.TRAIN

Great weathering all around! Chain link fences are not easy to build. Alan, your stuff always amazes me. Dave, SLRs??? What are they? I use mine only for taking finished shots where I want to do depth of field work with the software, otherwise, the iPhone 7 does all the work. Don't feel too bad for Canon since the optics in most of those cell phones are being produced by the major camera builders.


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