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I have an Atlas O switch tower model on each of my two layouts. Trumbull Junction Tower is on my 10’-by-5’ layout (built about 5 years ago) and the South Tower is on my 12’-by-8' (built more than 20 years ago). In each case, I had larger craftsman kits that I could have built but they were too large to fit. I do think that the Atlas O tower is a fine model with good details.




Images (5)
  • MELGAR_2020_0528_12_ATLAS_TRUMBULL_JCT_10X5
  • MELGAR_2020_0528_13_ATLAS_TRUMBULL_JCT_10X5
  • MELGAR_2020_0528_16_ATLAS_SOUTH_TOWER_12X8
  • MELGAR_2020_0528_17_ATLAS_SOUTH_TOWER_12X8
Last edited by MELGAR

Great stuff so far......I am in awe!

Alan.......looking forward to later.

Pete......being city-boy from the Bronx.....view blocks for me are other buildings....I never would of thought of using trees and hills as view blocks. how you fit buildings into the terrain.....everything I do is flat.....I have a tough time thinking in 3 dimensions.

Steve.....just amazing!  I love industrial/urban scenery!



Alan, Looking forward to more on this weeks project. Pete landscape work is really amazing. Melgar super job with the tower and I really like your placement. Steve building complex is really looking great. Interesting shape for the building. I have seen that type, just never modeled before. Just amazing work. Peter you made a really nice build of the Lionel Factory.


Tell me about it Dave.... I had to order 18 more packs of walls for this and that might not be enough...

Frozen foods warehouse... I think it’ll be 59 panels total and I’m only building 3 walls of it...

I like these pieces for making models of brick buildings. But I have never built a model from them because they require numerous pieces and it gets expensive...


Yes, if you try to build big buildings the cost gets crazy. I probably should have just built it out of styrene and brick sheets, but somehow, I have a feeling the DPM building will come out looking better. 

Definitely!  I am doing the back as sheet styrene but all the other walls have been pretty cost prohibitive.  My other buildings for my city area are all OGR Ameritowne with modifications planned to give them more variety.

Good Stuff!

I finally finished printing all the pieces to make the 3 story stair case for the House Beside the RR. I had to split the stair so 6 scale inches of step would be attached to the railing and the rest of the steps as a second part. I did this so I could 3D print it all without having any supports on the spindles. Removing supports from small parts often results in destruction of the support AND the parts. This greatly complicated the printing. Also complicating the printing was finding spindles that would actually form properly with enough strength to be handleable. The cellar door is 3D printed. The wall it's on is styrene sheet and the other wall is foam core. I'm going to use foam core for most of the interior walls. I've also printed fancy baseboards. Of course, none of this stuff will be very easy to see in the building.

HBTRR Staircase completed

I will build up all the walls surrounding the stairs and install the whole thing as a module. There is also a railing surrounding the opening in the attic floor. Designing and printing the reverse-curved railing was a challenge.

HBTRR Attic Rails

After some more design work, I found that I need one more railings set to guard the space into the stairwell on the second floor. I will print another attic rail set since I already know that it will print perfectly and then cut what I need to do this little bit more.

HBTRR Added Railing


Images (3)
  • HBTRR Staircase completed
  • HBTRR Attic Rails
  • HBTRR Added Railing

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